Thursday, December 29, 2011

Market Manipulators Provide Buying Opportunity

December 14, 2011:  Today’s fall in the commodity market value of gold and silver is counterintuitive to a natural market’s reaction to the current global economic reality. By “natural” I mean not manipulated. The speculative market demand for gold and silver SHOULD be very high right now, because gold and silver, historically, are the default hedges against economic/political crises, such as the one we see unfolding. The demand for the PHYSICAL POSSESSION of gold and silver is VERY HIGH around the planet.
Silver and gold are low, again, because the silver market manipulators, with J.P. Morgan at the helm, are in a serious financial crisis!  The following three links may be of some interest to you:

The global Banksters and Financistas, who manipulate the silver and gold commodity markets and raid the PERSONAL ACCOUNTS OF THEIR CLIENTS in order to cover their ever widening accounting shortfalls, also DO NOT POSSESS enough physical silver or gold to cover their commodity market contracts! Ultimately, for their own benefit and protection, they may purge the market of legitimate traders, steal their client’s holdings, dissolve the markets, or lose total control and watch the markets sky-rocket. But is greed the ONLY motivation for the “Big Guys” to have already succeeded in the first two alternatives?
In the global Bankster’s and Financista’s world-view the silver/gold/oil commodity markets,, and financial markets are no more than their piggy-bank of global economic resource manipulation and survival. When capital is demanded from them to float a failing global bank, or financial institution, or nation, they PLUNDER the markets they have manipulated for that very purpose. Now you may have begun to understand why the gold and silver markets fall every time an FM Global or European Union or Dow Jones enters the financial danger zone.
Here is the GOOD NEWS: the global Banksters and Financista’s have established a perfect buying opportunity for those who desire to PHYSICALLY POSSESS silver and gold as a hedge against the global economic meltdown that is now in progress. The demand for the physical possession of silver IS INCREASING, and today the market manipulators have cut you a price break, and have created for you a wonderful buying opportunity!

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