Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Become a Silver Moonshiner!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012: A week or so ago I wrote that silver will bounce up and down between $25-$33, and the next time Europe required another banker-bailout an inflated silver commodity market will drop like a rock, regardless of the damage inflicted upon the semi-conscious paper-speculator.
Fiat money, fake money created by market manipulators, is created to bailout European nations who are in debt to the international banksters.

How many times will commodity market speculators allow themselves to be ripped off by the JP Morgan’s of the world before they realize that the market is rigged? How many times will the main stream media aid and abet the rip-off before people begin to realize that he or she is the only individual trust worthy enough to possess and account for his or her personal wealth?

How long will it be until people realize that possessing their tangible assets is the only guarantee they have in maintaining their personal freedom and wealth?

It’s time to become a moonshiner! It’s time to take your wealth out of the hands of the bankster gangsters, and grasp it with your own.


As a public servant, have you taken The Oath to “defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies both foreign and domestic”? If so, you may need to listen to what Stewart Rhodes has to say to you personally…

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to say "Money" in French

The video is short, and the concept is as old as the union of people and silver:

If you know of halfpasthuman.com’s Web bot, you may find this silver/economy vid to be quite interesting: It was taped in December, and also forecast the recent ship wreck we are aware of: Consider the other trends and events predicted:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Biggest Economic Trend of 2012 is Not for You to Know

Since President Obama signed the NDAA into law, late on the night of December 31st, 2011, New Years Eve, the Main Stream Media has been hush-hush on the approach of the biggest economic and social trend of 2012. News this big should have been front page as soon as the press got wind of it; so why has the Main Stream Media buried it deeper than they’ve buried this Republican guy named Ron Paul?

After reading this linked article I now understand why the MSM has been on the QT.  Life as we know it, for many of us, has taken a sour turn in recent years, and it appears that for the greater part of our nation it is going to get much worse, especially if the facts and direction of our economy and society, as expressed in this article, bear out.

http://www.prisonplanet.com/ndaa-is-washingtons-totalitarian-response-to-political-dissent-and-economic-collapse.html (NDAA Is Washington’s Totalitarian Response to Political Dissent and Economic Collapse, by Saman Mohammadi; Prisonplanet.com, January 21, 2012)

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Commodity Market Lacks Speculators

Friday, January 20, 2012:  By raising margins and accepting as status quo MF Global/ Jon Corzine's theft of client's personal accounts, the gold and silver commodity markets are short speculators and their capital. With the speculators staying away from a manipulated market they do not trust, and rightly so, then where, oh where will J.P. Morgan Chase and its bankster cohorts find the funds required to float Greek bonds or to purchase Greek national assets?

They may begin to raid citizen's pension accounts, as our US government has begun to do with its employees, or they may attempt to raise US taxes to raise bankster funding, or they may crash Social Security and Medicare, and funnel those funds into bankster accounts. They will do each of the above, but not yet. What they will first do is to use their propaganda arm, the American main-stream-media, to influence the herd to reinvest in metals.

This began yesterday on CNBC when a few of their talking heads began to re-introduce gold and silver as commodities worth looking into. Gold and silver are very much worth investing in by taking physical possession of, but certainly not worth considering to invest one's wealth into a rigged and manipulated gold and silver "paper" market. Is it a wonder, if critically considered, that today, suddenly, internet search engines are showing gold in the top ten search keywords? It is not a wonder at all; it is intrinsically predictable. Give the herd a little nudge in one direction, and they will be easily led in that direction. What is at the end of that trail?

Once precious metals speculators have again taken the manipulator's bait, and have again driven up the short term commodity prices of gold and silver, the manipulators will again move in and crash the markets for their particular gain, regardless of the investor's loss. With silver currently trading at $30-$31, the market manipulators cannot withdraw their much needed funds without giving the perception of a market collapse. With silver at its current price, they have to bring it to $25 an ounce in order to keep Europe afloat.

Personal wealth is personal economic freedom. Keep yourself financially afloat by purchasing and taking physical possession of tangible assets, including gold and silver. By helping to keep investors out of paper assets and into physical possession of tangible assets, you will be helping your community and your neighbors as well as yourself.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Silver in Range Until Euro Collapse

Wednesday, January 18, 2012: Commodity market silver prices will remain $25-$33 an ounce until the scheduled collapse of the Euro occurs. Minus market manipulation, silver should be trading within range of $100 an ounce; that price would better reflect the public's true perception of the state of the global economy. Gold should currently be within the range of $2,200 an ounce, minus market manipulation.

Keep an eye out for the date of the next bond auction by a European Union member nation. Silver, gold and oil commodity market prices will rise until the J.P. Morgan Chase banksters of the world require the funds to purchase those bonds. The illusion of a stable and growing world economy must remain our "reality" until the time for The Collapse arrives. The scheduled time for the collapse of the Euro, and the ensuing 40% devaluation of the US Dollar, is within the proximity of October through early November, 2012, although it may happen anytime from today until then.*

The demand for physical silver, and other tangible assets, continues to rise in real terms. That is our current reality.

*Preparations for civil unrest in America have been under way for some time, but have only recently become "law." In America, it is now "lawful" for the military to "disappear", torture and kill any American citizens it pleases to do so, and without the legal right of trial. Within recent weeks, the camps described in the link are currently being fully equipped and manned for use. State National Guards are being oriented and trained to assist FEMA operations. In addition to the economic and social chaos, when the economy fails the banksters bring us to war.

FEMA Camp expose`:                                      
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHb83VNijBM (Banned from US television!  Record)       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jruJ40xT8kQ  (for your private library before) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jruJ40xT8kQ  (it is banned from Youtube as well)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fiat Money Keeps the Fiat System Afloat

January 13, 2012: Silver and other commodities, such as oil and gold, had taken a leap upwards these last few days, but now they are coming down. J. P. Morgan Chase is in need of an infusion of short term capital for the purchase of European sovereign debt.
At par with the established pattern, within the next few days to a week we may see the commodity prices of silver, gold, and oil take a further plunge. The reason this may occur is based on the news the Main Stream Media will not report to you: the European banking system is on the verge of collapse and is short of local cash to stay afloat
The illusion-of-wealth-and-stability Ponzi scheme played on the public by the world banking system is running out of wiggle room. Their m.o. is in front of our noses: the manipulators run up the markets one day, run them down the next, and then left-click the funds to Europe to keep the European banks solvent for another week or two. Fake money is keeping fake money afloat.

This blatant in-your-face approach to the bankster con-job indicates that the end of the bankster Ponzi scheme is fast approaching. When the banksters are about to lose control of an economy in free fall, as well as the society that goes to ruin with it, they take us to war. And to war we are being led like sheep to slaughter. You, we, the American people, will be convinced, persuaded, and cajoled into accepting the illusion that we must go to war. There are many avenues of action a nation may pursue as a prelude to taking the action of last resort.

Until then, the paper commodity price of silver and gold will remain low, while the demand for and value of physical silver and gold will continue to grow.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Creation of a Fake Money System

Thursday, January 12, 2012: Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 1 - Revisiting American History - Financial Empire; Lessons 1-6 Information you will never receive from a public school or from the main stream media…
These concise and valuable economic lessons will bring you to a clear understanding of how and why our current national/global economy is what it is, and where it is going.
Critical thinking requires correct information, and Lesson One is a nice place to begin…

Lesson 1 - Revisiting American History, documents the conversion of the US into a monolithic financial empire as the Federal Reserve Act created a monopolized cartel of private interests, "Wall Street," that controls all money in the system. This killed Jeffersonian ideals and allowed vertical Hamiltonian forces to have free reign to consolidate power and wealth. It explains how this is an empire system where the top Wall Street banks are analogous to feudal lords and multi-national corporations are their feudal knights out conquering territories. It rewrites American History books…,” and so it goes.

By the way…Have you ever wondered how and what the owners of the main stream media outlets and corporations actually think of you, the consumer audience whom they tell what to believe and why?
This is a holiday card distributed by the Fox News Corporation this past December.
Can you find yourself? In their eyes, you are one of those puffy little white creatures pulling the sleds.

The most revealing aspect of this cartoon’s nature is that all of the media responses referred to Competitors vs Fox, and having no reference to their audiences being depicted as sheep.
Apparently there are a few things in life that are safely assumed and taken for granted.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gerald Celente: 2012 Trends

January 7, 2012: Economic/Social, Silver/Gold Trends; Gerald Celente interview CoastToCoastAM.com

By age and geography Gerald Celente is a home-boy to yours truly; so when he speaks it sounds like home, and not only because of his accent. A person grows up in some places with a developed ability to differentiate truth from bullshit. And if at first-whiff you are not quite certain how to define the aroma, you sit back and observe with further applications of research and critical thinking.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_8vuTGl0M (Rob Simone interviews Gerald Celente on CoastToCostAM.com, January 5, 2012)

Friday, January 6, 2012

William.E. Black Reveals the Bankster Fraud, and Silver Price Manipulation


http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/02/a-conspiracy-with-a-silver-lining/ (A Conspiracy With a Silver Lining, By WILLIAM D. COHAN, March 2, 2011, 7:40 pm)

http://www.disinfo.com/2011/03/silver-manipulation-by-jp-morgan-and-u-s-fed/ (Silver Manipulation by JP Morgan and U.S. Fed? Posted by jhalpin666, on March 3, 2011)

http://earnamericaneagles.com/silver-prices/silver-price-manipulation (Silver Price Manipulation, Posted by Rick - September 26, 2011 at 5:21 am)

http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-12-28/wall_street/30564299_1_mf-global-business-insider-bank-accounts (JP Morgan Just Told The MF Global Clients' Lawyer To Close His Bank Account, Lisa Du, December 28, 2011)

http://www.forbes.com/sites/emilylambert/2011/12/15/mf-global-customers-target-jp-morgan/ (MF Global Customers Target JP Morgan; Forbes, Personal Finance, 12/15/2011 @ 4:42PM)

http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/76116/20101026/cftc-commissioner-chilton-sees-manipulation-in-silver-markets.htm (CFTC Commissioner Chilton sees manipulation in silver markets, October 26, 2010 5:59 PM EDT)

An excellent informational interview:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6dw9hCVLYU  A four-part Warren Knapp Video/Radio interview of William K. Black, detailing how the banksters planned and executed the Sub-Prime Mortgage debacle, which led to the bankster TARP power grab of the US government. (Professor of Law/White Collar Crime expertise; his book, The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One (University of Texas Press 2005)

Just-Us, the 1% Speak:
http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-12-28/bankers-join-billionaires-to-debunk-imbecile-attack-on-top-1-.html (Bankers Join Billionaires to Debunk ‘Imbecile’ Attack on Top 1%; Bloomberg Businessweek, December 28, 2011, 10:50 AM EST)