Friday, January 13, 2012

Fiat Money Keeps the Fiat System Afloat

January 13, 2012: Silver and other commodities, such as oil and gold, had taken a leap upwards these last few days, but now they are coming down. J. P. Morgan Chase is in need of an infusion of short term capital for the purchase of European sovereign debt.
At par with the established pattern, within the next few days to a week we may see the commodity prices of silver, gold, and oil take a further plunge. The reason this may occur is based on the news the Main Stream Media will not report to you: the European banking system is on the verge of collapse and is short of local cash to stay afloat
The illusion-of-wealth-and-stability Ponzi scheme played on the public by the world banking system is running out of wiggle room. Their m.o. is in front of our noses: the manipulators run up the markets one day, run them down the next, and then left-click the funds to Europe to keep the European banks solvent for another week or two. Fake money is keeping fake money afloat.

This blatant in-your-face approach to the bankster con-job indicates that the end of the bankster Ponzi scheme is fast approaching. When the banksters are about to lose control of an economy in free fall, as well as the society that goes to ruin with it, they take us to war. And to war we are being led like sheep to slaughter. You, we, the American people, will be convinced, persuaded, and cajoled into accepting the illusion that we must go to war. There are many avenues of action a nation may pursue as a prelude to taking the action of last resort.

Until then, the paper commodity price of silver and gold will remain low, while the demand for and value of physical silver and gold will continue to grow.

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