Asia loves to mess with the sleeping giant, and now the giant is wiping the sleep away from his eyes, and is yawning.
But what stirred this semi-comatose, half-conscious giant, who had simply groggeled his way through life without a serious care in the world? His awakening began in 2008 when the nation's economic pressures began to rattle his house, and the shaking would not stop. Under the growing economic stresses of unemployment, foreclosure, inflation at the pump and the check-out, and a quickly diminishing lifestyle, he as usual, while stumbling from bedroom to bathroom and back again in the middle of the night, began blaming himself and his neighbors for his economic predicament.
He did his uninformed patriotic best. He tried to Buy American while his government began the economic strategy of shipping his nation’s manufacturing base elsewhere. American corporations flourished, overseas, under the nation’s two-party system of sellouts and greed. All financial rules and regulations were tossed to the wind. The banksters created fraudulent economic bubbles only to have them burst as planned, and then sift the real property from the rubble of the duped. As the giant’s economic house shook from bankster fraud, the US Treasury, under the control of an international banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve Bank, gave the financial keys of his house over to the Chinese.
He lifted a newspaper for the first time in weeks, and read the headline: the international bankers and financiers have declared China as the next global economic superpower.
The economic fall of Europe and USA, Inc. was happening directly in front of the giant’s glazed eyes. His possessions had been fire-saled from his bedroom window. The bankers and financiers had already grabbed the best loot from the house, and were currently out of town and re-established elsewhere.
Suddenly the sleeping giant became fully awake, and legitimately angry at how he had been ripped off, and now only to find himself up to his ears in Congressionally approved and sponsored national debt to the banksters- collected through the IRS.
He fell to the floor in horror as his seething eyes sprung open to the sight of his new 21st century America, all prepped and ready to handle his rage: Federally financed and militarized local law enforcement, a Department of Homeland Security spy force made up of willing neighbors and dentists, armed spy drones, an unvetted cadre of Blue Shirt pedophile gropers at roadside checkpoints and airports, fully staffed and stocked Federal Emergency Management Agency relocation/reeducation camps, and one of the last flourishing industries in the nation: the prison industrial complex.* Welcome to your new home, big guy! And you better speak nicely about the Chinese, the banksters, and the government, or else.
This week did have some GOOD FINANCIAL NEWS, but it is not for you:
Exclusive: U.S. lets China bypass Wall Street for Treasury orders
US declines to cite China as currency manipulator
GM to roll out new made-in-China Cadillac
Wanda Group of China buys AMC Entertainment,0,5390029.story
*((Companies operating in the private prison business include the Corrections Corporation of America, the GEO Group, Inc., Management and Training Corporation, and Community Education Centers. The GEO Group was formerly known as Wackenhut Securities, and includes the Cornell Companies, which merged with GEO in 2010.Private companies which provide services to prisons combine in the American Correctional Association, which advocates legislation favorable to the industry. Such private companies comprise what has been termed the Prison-industrial complex.))