Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Sleeping Giant's New Home

Asia loves to mess with the sleeping giant, and now the giant is wiping the sleep away from his eyes, and is yawning.
But what stirred this semi-comatose, half-conscious giant, who had simply groggeled his way through life without a serious care in the world? His awakening began in 2008 when the nation's economic pressures began to rattle his house, and the shaking would not stop. Under the growing economic stresses of unemployment, foreclosure, inflation at the pump and the check-out, and a quickly diminishing lifestyle, he as usual, while stumbling from bedroom to bathroom and back again in the middle of the night, began blaming himself and his neighbors for his economic predicament.

He did his uninformed patriotic best. He tried to Buy American while his government began the economic strategy of shipping his nation’s manufacturing base elsewhere. American corporations flourished, overseas, under the nation’s two-party system of sellouts and greed. All financial rules and regulations were tossed to the wind. The banksters created fraudulent economic bubbles only to have them burst as planned, and then sift the real property from the rubble of the duped. As the giant’s economic house shook from bankster fraud, the US Treasury, under the control of an international banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve Bank, gave the financial keys of his house over to the Chinese.

He lifted a newspaper for the first time in weeks, and read the headline: the international bankers and financiers have declared China as the next global economic superpower. 

The economic fall of Europe and USA, Inc. was happening directly in front of the giant’s glazed eyes. His possessions had been fire-saled from his bedroom window. The bankers and financiers had already grabbed the best loot from the house, and were currently out of town and re-established elsewhere. 

Suddenly the sleeping giant became fully awake, and legitimately angry at how he had been ripped off, and now only to find himself up to his ears in Congressionally approved and sponsored national debt to the banksters- collected through the IRS.
He fell to the floor in horror as his seething eyes sprung open to the sight of his new 21st century America, all prepped and ready to handle his rage: Federally financed and militarized local law enforcement, a Department of Homeland Security spy force made up of willing neighbors and dentists, armed spy drones, an unvetted cadre of Blue Shirt pedophile gropers at roadside checkpoints and airports, fully staffed and stocked Federal Emergency Management Agency relocation/reeducation camps, and one of the last flourishing industries in the nation: the prison industrial complex.* Welcome to your new home, big guy! And you better speak nicely about the Chinese, the banksters, and the government, or else.

This week did have some GOOD FINANCIAL NEWS, but it is not for you:

Exclusive: U.S. lets China bypass Wall Street for Treasury orders
US declines to cite China as currency manipulator
GM to roll out new made-in-China Cadillac
Wanda Group of China buys AMC Entertainment,0,5390029.story

*((Companies operating in the private prison business include the Corrections Corporation of America, the GEO Group, Inc., Management and Training Corporation, and Community Education Centers. The GEO Group was formerly known as Wackenhut Securities, and includes the Cornell Companies, which merged with GEO in 2010.Private companies which provide services to prisons combine in the American Correctional Association, which advocates legislation favorable to the industry. Such private companies comprise what has been termed the Prison-industrial complex.))

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Facebook Bails out the Silver Market

In order to bail out Europe, JPMorgan Chase could have further crashed the silver market, but instead it, and a few other underwriters, lured investors into Facebook’s IPO, and then, in the midst of all the hoopla, pulled the cork from the tub and watched all of the investment capital drain into their septic pockets.
Insight: Morgan Stanley cut Facebook estimates just before IPO

What will it take before people catch onto to how incredibly rigged the financial system is, and that the bastards in control “don’t care about you; they don’t care about you,” to quote George Carlin’s grasp of reality.

Imagine if JPMorgan had control of the US Foodstamp program, and how they could control and manipulate 40,000,000+ needy Americans by threatening to cut off their food supply. Well guess what? Since the bankster bailout of 2008- actually the plutocracy’s coupe d`etat of 2008- JPMorgan and a few other underwriters do have control of the US Foodstamp program.
FOOD STAMPS PROFITS: how JP Morgan gets rich with increased poverty

They and the international banking cartel, known to us as the Federal Reserve Bank, own us, and knowing what you do not know- that they own us- they are selling the nation to the highest bidders.
Exclusive: U.S. lets China bypass Wall Street for Treasury orders
And we are going to pay their bill through austerity, higher taxes, the confiscation of our wealth, and a major reduction in the middle class’ standard of living.
We are in the process of going down the road freshly trodden by Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, etc.

Only the people of Iceland had the guts to tell the international banksters to go to bankster hell in a hand basket! But you do not hear about Iceland’s economic recovery from the whores of MSM, do you?*

And remember: NATO is the enforcement arm of the international bankster’s financial system. Dare you speak up, and speak out? You and I have the choice of taking the heat on the frontline of freedom, or in the torture rooms of our nation’s prepared, stocked, and manned FEMA reeducation camps (my earlier posts). Yes really, it is that bad; we just haven’t heard the bankster cork being pulled on us on a national level.

In the coming weeks and months you’ll hear plenty about race and war and which wing of the vulture, its left of right, is slapping itself in the face and pandemics and terrorist threats, but the MSM will not call your attention to the bankster ripoff taking place right before your eyes.

*Concerning government controlled propaganda via the mainstream media:
Congressmen Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban
The corporate/government (fascist, by definition) modus operandi is to finally legalize what they have been doing all along.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Derivatives & Silver, When Worlds Collide

Here are two very serious videos concerning the derivatives market crash-in-progress, how it will affect the price of silver, and how close we really are to a collapse of the entire global economic system. Both are recent posts, and one fact is ever clearer to informed minds as 2012 rushes on: the global economic thermostat has been jacked to roasting, and the heat is becoming rather uncomfortable in derivative hell.

I have heard Lindsey Williams before, and the information he shares is usually very accurate. He is a pastor and occasionally briefly brings God into the conversation, as he does at the conclusion of his video posted here. Regardless, what he says about the derivatives market collapse is right on, and is current.

The second video with Bix Weir, of whom I am totally unfamiliar, has the ring of truth to it, so here it is. It is current and also worth listening to. (Have you grasped the secret yet? The real currency in this world is good information.)

 Lindsey Williams Urgent Update: Derivatives Market Collapsing & JP Morgan 2/2

MELTDOWN UPDATE: The JP Morgan Derivatives Book is Blowing Up - Bix Weir

Do I take what these people say for real? I have mentioned it before, I arrived at my own conclusions in 2008, and proceeded to take ALL of my assets out of paper and then turn all of the paper into tangible assets, silver included. Now the bank is only a tool, and not a repository of my wealth; it serves me. My checking account is no more than a conduit of funds. I use cash, and only a debit card. (Ever see that Capital One commercial with the Vikings running amuck? They are coming to financially enslave you.)

When the system does crash, I may be as physically and emotionally uncomfortable as any other person may be, and will find life to be as difficult as it may become, but I am not worried about what wealth of mine the BANKTANIC will take with it as that ship flushes out to the sea of economic chaos. Bum voyage` to that experience.

Welcome, America, to Chicago's Police State

***Observed and noted around the world, this is what happens in America when a person of dual citizenship (Israeli/American) tramples under jackboot the civil liberties of an American city. NATO is the standing military force of the United Nations. Yes, and your taxes pay for it.(Well, actually, our taxes go to pay the bankster loan that is borrowed to pay for our military which is, by word of our Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, no longer a US controlled military. That is fact; look it up for yourself.)
This Memorial Day we honor our veterans who fought and died for the same freedoms now being confiscated in Chicago. What would those honored veterans be expecting from you and me as a result of our due vigilance required to maintain the freedom that was purchased with their blood?

Welcome, Nato, to Chicago's police state

Welcome, Nato, to Chicago's police state

The Nato summit will come and go, but Mayor Emanuel has authorised a 'new normal' of militarised social control in Chicago
    ·           Bernard Harcourt, Sunday 20 May 2012 09.05 EDT
    Police on the Michigan Avenue bridge during a demonstration in downtown Chicago, 19 May 2012. Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty
    With Nato delegates arriving Saturday night, the City of Chicago has been turned into a police state. Courtesy of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who several months ago began implementing new draconian anti-protest measures, Chicago has gone on security lockdown. Starting early Friday night, 18 May 2012, the Chicago Police Department began shutting down – prohibiting cars, bikes, and pedestrians – miles and miles of highways and roads in the heart of Chicago to create a security perimeter around downtown and McCormick Place (where the Nato summit is being held).
    Eight-foot tall, anti-scale security fencing went up all over that perimeter and downtown, including Grant Park; and the Chicago police – as well as myriad other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI and the US secret service – were out in force on riot-geared horses, bikes, and patrols – batons at the ready. Philadelphia Police Department is sending over reinforcements to help out; Chicago has also asked for recruits from police departments in Milwaukee and Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC. Meanwhile, F-16 warplanes "screamed through the skies as part of a pre-summit defense exercise" and helicopters hovered incessantly.
    The Chicago Police Department has spent $1m in "riot-control equipment" in anticipation of the Nato summit. According to the Guardian, "The city of Chicago's procurement services website shows that in March [2012] $757,657 was spent on 8,513 'retro-fit kits' to be fitted to police helmets. In February [2012] 673 of the same kits, which include a face shield and ear and neck protectors, were purchased for $56,632." Plus, the Chicago Police Department will be deploying its two, new, expensive long-range acoustic device (LRAD) sound cannons – which it bought at $20,000 a pop. These are the type of devices that were used by the Pittsburgh police to deliver high-pitched alarm tones during the G20 summit meeting there in 2009.
    Then, there is the "secret suburban Chicago" police control center where "officials from more than 40 different agencies sit side by side with a giant central screen before them," as reported by the Chicago Sun Times. From the multi-agency command center, all different types of federal, state and local law enforcement can "view live video feeds from security cameras that are already up and running throughout the city".
    As one commentators suggests, Chicagoans are experiencing the "New Military Urbanism in Nato-Occupied Chicago". The extensive nature of these security measures (as reported by the US secret service), road closures and pedestrian restrictions included dozens of road closures (at least 7.5 miles of closed roads, by my calculation), beginning Friday at midnight and going through evening rush hour on Monday, 21 May. There will also be airspace restrictions over Chicago (the flight advisory is here). In addition, there will be marina and waterway restrictions, with the creation of special "maritime security zones", and an increased presence of US Coast Guard during the summit.
    So, welcome, Nato, to the Chicago police state 2012. It may be hard to see or experience the security measures from within the perimeter, but for Chicagoans, the new experience is chilling. As one Chicagoan reportedly told NBC Chicago, the mass of security equipment "made her feel like she was on 'lockdown'."
    A few further points are worth mentioning. First, it is astounding – but sadly, not surprising – that the City of Chicago would deny protest permits or make protest so difficult in Chicago because of alleged inconveniences to traffic and ordinary business. Our new Chicago lockdown belies any suggestion that the city cares about such inconveniences. While Mayor Emanuel has bent backwards for Nato, first amendment free speech receives dramatically less accommodation.
    Second, this police state serves, in reality, as our new welfare state. The security mania represents our truly unique way of stimulating the economy, of employing piece labor, of creating government jobs and subsidized contracts. Just think of the amount of overtime pay that we are disbursing with all this policing. Instead of investing in schools and education, in job training, or in re-entry programs, this is how we invest in our future. And we never think of it as government welfare because it falls in that sacred space of security – because, essentially, of the American paradox of laissez-faire and mass punishment.
    Third, and finally, all of this is, sadly, here to stay. Nato will come and go, but the new anti-protest laws, the new riot-gear, the two LRAD sound cannons, and all the normalization of this police state … that will be with us for a long time.

    Sunday, May 20, 2012

    Doing in Chicago What State Terrorists Do Best...

    They attack those legally participating in protest against their government.
    As is done in every third world terrorist state, Chicago being one of them, you use the police to trump up charges against the most active protesters, and then you use your state-whored propaganda media machine to give those dense-of-understanding the “official story.”

    The sheep consume their homogenized and sanitized bluelight fertilize-of-the-mind, and restfully go to sleep thinking that their protectors have saved them from the local terrorists, when in fact their protectors have attacked the very blanket of liberties that the sheep snuggle under.

    For the critical thinker and the better informed, historians in particular, it is common knowledge of the stages and methods by which a rouge government clamps down upon and suspends the rights of its citizens. Police trumped up charges against the innocent are common place in a politically agenda driven police mob, especially a law enforcement thugs taking orders from a dual nationality mayor in bed with a illegal president of foreign birth. Of course there is no regard for American law and freedom in the NATO held streets of Chicago, USA, Inc.
    Guns Drawn on Journalists, Car Raided at NATO 

    Next is the propaganda from Chronicled Bull Shit (CBS) Chicago, and was cleansed of true reporting in the wee hours of the night:
    3 NATO Summit Protesters Planned Attacks On Police, Mayor’s Home, Obama HQ
    Their update is far removed from the story posted Saturday. The closest un-sanitized version I could locate is from New Zealand:
    Activists accused of planning attacks around Nato summit

    Bottom line:
    If you want to remain free in America, by slave standards, then keep your mouth shut, and stay in lockstep with the man with the gun over there. And dare you stray from the herd by expressing an opinion a few steps removed from the common consensus. Then your protectors will show up, and I’m sure they’ll find an empty bottle somewhere in your home, and some flammable liquid of some sort, cooking oil will do, and maybe a stray bandana or wash cloth, and then, by the shake of the magic police baton, you'll have in your possession, as pertaining to the police report, the terrorist makings of a Molotov cocktail.

    The media whores will plant your mug shot on the front page of something resembling Chicago’s Chronicled Bull Shit, and the world will see in your face what the faces of those three men arrested on trumped up charges in Chicago are expressing: What a crock of shit. 

    That blanket of being a free American you snuggle under is an illusion. Best you keep quiet and bow on demand, or you will certainly prove my point.

    Saturday, May 19, 2012

    Entering the Apocalypse with a Few Good Tunes

    A force of nature born and raised in Upstate New York’s Mohawk Valley:
    Joe Bonamassa.
    From Oriskany to the Adirondacks to Cherry Valley to Horse Heads and beyond,
    the spirit of revolution thrives and lives on.

    )))))CAUTION! CAUTION! Not to be listened to while driving!(((((
    Last Kiss before I Die

    Just Got Paid

    Thursday, May 17, 2012

    Our First Illegal President

    Evidence Obama Born In Kenya Goes Beyond 1991 Brochure                                                                                                                                                           


    Now you know why Andrew Breitbart was murdered on 3/1/2012, and why the fear of death encouraged the Breitbart senior management to post their disclaimer at the beginning of this article:

    The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' Published by Breitbart.Com., 5/17/2012:

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    Note from Senior Management:
    Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.
    Yet Andrew also believed that the complicit mainstream media had refused to examine President Obama's ideological past, or the carefully crafted persona he and his advisers had constructed for him.
    It is for that reason that we launched "The Vetting," an ongoing series in which we explore the ideological background of President Obama (and other presidential candidates)--not to re-litigate 2008, but because ideas and actions have consequences.
    It is also in that spirit that we discovered, and now present, the booklet described below--one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review
    It is evidence--not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

    Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."
    The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel.
    It also promotes Obama's anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White--which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead.
    Obama’s biography in the booklet is as follows (image and text below):

    Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.  The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation.   He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.
    The booklet, which is thirty-six pages long, is printed in blue ink (and, on the cover, silver/grey ink), using offset lithography. It purports to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Acton & Dystel, which was founded in 1976.

    Front cover (outside) - note Barack Obama listed in alphabetical order

    Front cover (inside)
    Jay Acton no longer represents Obama. However, Jane Dystel still lists Obama as a client on her agency's website.
    According to the booklet itself, the text was edited by Miriam Goderich, who has since become Dystel's partner at Dystel & Goderich, an agency founded in 1994. Breitbart News attempted to reach Goderich by telephone several times over several days. Her calls are screened by an automated service that requires callers to state their name and company, which we did. She never answered.
    The design of the booklet was undertaken by Richard Bellsey, who has since closed his business. Bellsey, reached by telephone, could not recall the exact details of the booklet, but told Breitbart News that it "sounds like one of our jobs, like I did for [Acton & Dystel] twenty years ago or more."

    The parade of authors alongside Obama in the booklet includes politicians, such as former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill; sports legends, such as Joe Montana and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar; and numerous Hollywood celebrities.
    The reverse side of the page that features Barack Obama includes former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader and early-1990s "boy band" pop sensation New Kids On the Block.

    Acton, who spoke to Breitbart News by telephone, confirmed precise details of the booklet and said that it cost the agency tens of thousands of dollars to produce.
    He indicated that while "almost nobody" wrote his or her own biography, the non-athletes in the booklet, whom "the agents deal[t] with on a daily basis," were "probably" approached to approve the text as presented.
    Dystel did not respond to numerous requests for comment, via email and telephone. Her assistant told Breitbart News that Dystel "does not answer questions about Obama."
    The errant Obama biography in the Acton & Dystel booklet does not contradict the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. Moreover, several contemporaneous accounts of Obama’s background describe Obama as having been born in Hawaii.
    The biography does, however, fit a pattern in which Obama--or the people representing and supporting him--manipulate his public persona.
    David Maraniss's forthcoming biography of Obama has reportedly confirmed, for example, that a girlfriend Obama described in Dreams from My Father was, in fact, an amalgam of several separate individuals.
    In addition, Obama and his handlers have a history of redefining his identity when expedient. In March 2008, for example, he famously declared: "I can no more disown [Jeremiah Wright] than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother."
    Several weeks later, Obama left Wright's church--and, according to Edward Klein's new biography, The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House, allegedly attempted to persuade Wright not to "do any more public speaking until after the November [2008] election" (51).
    Obama has been known frequently to fictionalize aspects of his own life. During his 2008 campaign, for instance, Obama claimed that his dying mother had fought with insurance companies over coverage for her cancer treatments. 
    That turned out to be untrue, but Obama has repeated the story--which even the Washington Post called "misleading"--in a campaign video for the 2012 election.
    The Acton & Dystel biography could also reflect how Obama was seen by his associates, or transitions in his own identity. He is said, for instance, to have cultivated an "international" identity until well into his adulthood, according to Maraniss.

    Regardless of the reason for Obama's odd biography, the Acton & Dystel booklet raises new questions as part of ongoing efforts to understand Barack Obama--who, despite four years in office remains a mystery to many Americans, thanks to the mainstream media.

    Larry O'Connor contributed to this report.


    Rev Wright 'Throws Barack Obama Down The Stairs' In Explosive New Audio

    Be a Bankster Abolitionist! Say NO to Financial Slavery!

    The only terrorists left in the borders of USA, Inc., are the Americans. Are you a American? Then, by law, you are a suspected terrorist until proven otherwise.
    Lucky for you and for me there are Americans who are fighting this new “legalized” definition of terrorist.

    Military Detention Law Blocked by New York Judge (Update 2)
    “Opponents of a U.S. law they claim may subject them to indefinite military detention for activities including news reporting and political activism persuaded a federal judge to temporarily block the measure.”
    The new “domestic terrorist” will be any individual who will speak out against the government in any way, shape or form, and you believe the term domestic terrorist does not define you.

    Okay, now consider the following, when the government confiscates your retirement account and your bank account for the “necessary austerity measures” required in order to pay back the banks they indebted us to, will that be your tipping point? Will that be enough motivation for you to speak out against the government? If so, then you will be classified, under law, as a domestic terrorist. Think about it.

    And do not forget to connect the dots by finding simple answers to simple questions, such as: why is BLOOMBERG reporting on this news if the subject does not have a financial/economic/social connection relating directly to the American market place?

    Senators to Unveil the ‘Ex-Patriot Act’ to Respond to Facebook’s Saverin’s Tax ‘Scheme’

    Our congress is in the bankster’s pocket. There is no escape from the wave of confiscatory taxation (necessary austerity measures) about to sweep across the human resource known as the American people.
    But wait, there’s more! If you or I owe anything, $0.85 - $-infinity, to the IRS (the official bankster revenue collectors of USA, Inc.), then you or I will not be permitted to leave the country. And remember, mistakes do happen; it is only a resource sucking bureaucracy after all.
    Owe The IRS? Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

    Be a Bankster Abolitionist and say NO! to financial slavery!

    And, dear people, you have no friends in our current political system. The Democrat and Republican political machines are two wings of the same bird. And the bird is a vulture consuming every resource our nation had to offer. It is now turning upon its human resource. Wake up!

    Wednesday, May 16, 2012

    Do as the Greeks are Doing...Now!

    Do as the Greeks are doing, and do it now!
    After two solid years of watching the international banksters take over their nation, those Greeks who still have PAPER ASSETS are closing out their pulp accounts. Sadly, it is digital pulp for pulp. Hopefully the wise will turn their paper into gold or silver or food or any other tangible asset that will enhance their survival in a crashed economy. Simple economics teaches that as demand rises for a tangible asset so does the price.

    Greeks withdraw $894 million in a day: Is this beginning of a run on banks?

    Italy's banks shaken as economic slump deepens

    And for your understanding of how our government is preparing for our economic meltdown, please read the following:
    FAA To Ease Rules For Police Agencies To Fly Unmanned Drones

    While reading the following article, please remember that toddlers and infants have appeared on the “known or suspected terrorist watchlists” spoken of herein.
    US has 55 daily encounters with "suspected terrorists"

    Yes, you or your child may be on a “known or suspected terrorist watchlist,” completely in error, but on it nonetheless. But wait there’s more! What if the error is not quickly resolved, and a military death squad, as sponsored by our government's latest National Defense Authorization Act, comes and kicks down your door and drags you away to some waterboarding house for legalized investigative torture? Worse mistakes have been made: 
    This could have been your child.

    Report says Texas executed an innocent man
    Come to think of it, as most modern day good citizens will always tell you,
    “If you are arrested then you must be guilty, and you deserve whatever punishment they give you!”
    Doesn’t it give you a warm and cuddly glow to be a 21st century American? And yes, the bell is tolling for you; you just haven't noticed it yet.

    Tuesday, May 15, 2012

    Bank Runs Begin in Greece!

    Stocks Post Loss on Greece, S&P at 3-Month Low

    And sliver tumbles as  JPMorgan scrambles for liquidity.

    Buy silver and Hide it from the Banksters!


    Your ignorance, Their Bliss

    According to the Globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski News Network (NBC, CNBC, MSNBC), the Whitehouse’s ABC, CBS, Time Warner’s CNN, Murdock’s FOX, etc., their mainstream media (MSM) editorial focus of May 15, 2012, is as follows: there is no European economic crisis taking place. According to today’s MSM broadcasts, Europe has apparently ceased to exist. We have today experienced A NEWS BLACKOUT.

    The global Powers That Be (TPTB) consider the cataclysmic socioeconomic events occurring in Europe to be TOP SECRET; verboten to the consciousness of the American people. If that type of knowledge was to penetrate our minds, then the illusion that “all is well” with our economy might burst. In other words, TPTB have determined that you and I are better left in the dark, better left unaware that they, the robber baron bastards that they are, are going to suck the last remaining resources from us, and then boot us out of the way as they board the last of the lifeboats about to depart the USS BANKTANIC.

    The MSM news sources you have been conditioned to trust are telling you nothing about the economic tsunami coming our way, but they did pass wind this morning about the proposed investigations into JPMorgan’s loss of $2 Billion. The fact they will not tell you is that what JPMorgan did was perfectly legal in the present unregulated and corrupt banking system they wrote for Congress. So why did the MSM pass wind on a proposed investigation of JPMorgan? It was broadcast for the purpose of maintaining the spell over you, the illusion, that our government officials, our authority figures of the mind, have “it” all under control, and are “going to get to the bottom of things, and bring the culprits to justice!” The reality minus the spell the bluescreen magicians have cast over us is this: they do have everything under control, they clearly do see and are fully aware of who and what lies at the bottom of things, and the only justice the culprits will experience is a fat bonus as the wages for their corruption.

    And this is what the MSM will not investigate: JPMorgan, with intent and forethought, transferred $2 Billion into the European banking system in order to keep it afloat for one more day, changed their books to cover the paper trail, and fired, under threat of death, the individuals most knowledgeable of the crimes committed. And to think, JPMorgan is only the tip of the iceberg sinking the USS BANKTANIC.

    For your own survival, search out what the MSM refuses to tell you. Intentionally pull back their curtain of misinformation from your eyes, and begin to break the spell of trust that powerful people, bluelight illusionists, have trained you to accept as valid and trustworthy. What you hear from the MSM talking heads is scripted, served to you in the comfort of your own space, and done so with the intention of teaching you what to think and how to blend into the popular consensus. 

    Here is something you will not hear of or read about in the MainStreamMedia:
    Prepare for the economic tsunami about to hit our shores. As you read these words, our economic waters are being sucked toward Europe, and are forming, just below the horizon, a massive wave of economic destruction that will soon come into view.

    That sense you’ve had that something strange and foreboding is occurring in the world, but is just out of sight and you cannot put a finger on it, is your survival sense, your intuition, speaking to you.

    If the MSM were fulfilling its obligation to the American people, and it has an obligation to the American people, and a right to fulfill it under the First Amendment, then you would not have to guess or wonder about what is coming, you would know. To know is to prepare.

    Monday, May 14, 2012

    Buy Physical Silver. Hide It. (2)

    Why has JPMorgan Chase been raiding their slush funds? Greece Faces Big Debt Payment Tuesday: Now What?

    As you read the following article, please keep in mind that the European financial crisis that is now taking place is a direct result of strategic criminality, a bankster racketeering enterprise. It is being perpetrated by the international banking cartel in league with politicians who willfully sold their nations into economic slavery.

    The same has happened in our nation. The banker bailout of 2008 was our government’s most obvious collusion with the international bankers; placing our nation exactly in the financial position Greece now finds itself.

    As planned, Europe CANNOT pay its debt to the international GLOBAL bankers, and neither can we. The result: austerity for the people, and the confiscation of tangible wealth by the bankers. It is coming to a town near you. Prepare to defend yourself against the banker/corporate plutocracy that is soon to be in full control  of our nation.

    Eurozone collapse could play out in a matter of months: Krugman
    The European economic system is unraveling. JPMorgan Chase is plundering its slush funds to keep the NWO Banktanic afloat for a few more weeks so its pirates can loot as much as they can from the system.
    Buy silver, and HIDE IT!

    Greece will run out of money soon, warns deputy prime minister
    Today’s CNBC Squawk Box, voices to the purposefully uninformed, told the world that all is well; that the vaporization of $2 Billion from the JPMorgan till would be investigated. And by whom you may ask? By the same crew who investigated MFGlobal! As a result of that investigation, no one, especially not Jon Corzine, was brought up on charges from the vaporization of that $1.2 Billion of secured client accounts. But we, the unusually willing drinkers of mainstream media feel-good kool-aid, did learn that MFGlobal’s vaporized $1.2 Billion of client funds miraculously rematerialized into JP Morgan’s London account.
    Buy tangible assets and HIDE THEM!

    Euro Officials Begin to Weigh Greek Exit as Euro Weakens
    You will not hear the following from the mainstream media, although it has been broadcast from alternative sources: when the European system collapses as planned, and the euro becomes a defunct currency, then we, the American people, will have only a few weeks before the US dollar and our economy follows suit.
    Buy enough food that will last you and yours for at least six months, and HIDE IT!
    Shortfall in California’s Budget Swells to $16 Billion
    All according to planned economic destruction.
    Here is the national scenario each of us will experience, just as Greece has experienced and is experiencing:
    As the government pays off the Federal banker debt, services will be cut, health care will be cut, the cost of every federally financed state run operation will increase as federal funding is cut, including education, food stamps and welfare will be cut, minimum wages will be cut, and unemployment will increase.
    And for those of you who are financially better off, and cheering the cuts on the non-producers, your property taxes will increase, state pensions will be cut and then confiscated, your personal IRAs and 401Ks will be looted to pay off the bankers, and the holdings in your safety deposit boxes.
    This is what is taking place in Europe, and that is why the people are taking to the streets en mass in protest.
    Please read my post of a few days ago on FEMA camp operations, and government preparation for mass civil disobedience.
    Leave the cities, As Soon As Possible!

    A final note, a heads-up on the level of insanity we the people are being conditioned to accept as common place:
    4-Year-Old’s Overdue Library Books Returned After Police Sent To Family’s House
    “It’s a rare incident, but it does occur,” said Donna Michael, President of the Freeport Area Library Board. “I did turn the file over to the police department,” she said.

    This is what a neighborhood librarian, a neighbor, did for a few books. Now imagine what the international globalist bankers are going to do to you when you do not pay back to them your share of our national indebtedness.
    We are on a dark and dangerous road, dear people, and have entered a strange and unfamiliar land, and it’s certainly not Kansas.
    Prepare to defend yourself!

    Friday, May 11, 2012

    JP Morgan Blunder? Not One Bit a Blunder

    JP Morgan's $2 Billion Blunder
    It was not a blunder, and it was not a surprise. Europe is crashing, and needed a quick fix.
    JPMorganChase did not lose $2 BILLION in bad derivative market trades. JP used the unregulated derivatives market as it was intended to be used. They plundered an available slush fund, consisting of their clients’ wealth, in order to keep the global economic BANKTANIC afloat. It’s what they do; it’s all they do.

    I wrote in older posts that the paper silver commodity market price of silver will range from $25-$33 an ounce, regardless of the growing demand for physical silver;
    that this contra-intuitive state of paper silver affairs was the direct result of market manipulation by London, Inc.’s JPMorganChase;
    that JPMorganChase was a prime initiator and agent of the derivatives market in Europe; a market the health of which is necessary for the continuance of the European Union economic Ponzi scheme; a scheme without which their financial rape and pillage of the sovereign nations of Europe would fail;
    that the silver paper commodity market is no more than a JP Morgan slush fund which is to be raided when funds are needed elsewhere…as in European bank accounts;
    that speculators in the paper precious metals commodity markets had been driven from the markets by JP Morgan in order to preclude high speculative values. The value of gold and silver are indicators of the public's sense of the health of the economy. If left alone, they would intuitively indicate that the global house of banking derivatives is falling; The illusion of global economic health needed to be maintained;
    that the brief flurry of speculative activity, a few months ago, in the precious metals paper market was the result of J.P. Morgan's attempt to recapitalize their silver cow. Luring trusting dupes back into their den of thieves worked for them to a lesser degree and for a shorter time; investors have finally woken up. The curtain has been pulled back. People begin to watch CNBC air pro-metal sound bytes while the "commodity experts" push the metals on their clients for a day or two only to see their investment disappear a week later on “bad European economic news.” (Is there going to be any other flavor of European economic news coming our way in the following days and months? No. Get use to what is happening in Europe; worse economic news is coming to America. In fact, it is already here, but we are not getting the full scoop of that important-for-your-survival kind of information from the whorish likes of MSNBC, FOX, CNN, CNBC, ABC, CBS, et al.)

    That's what I've already stated in previous posts; here’s something new:
    JP Morgan will continue to devalue the precious metals paper commodity markets until they know that the global Banktanic has taken its last gulp of plunder from the global economy, and is finally on its way to the briny deep of global economic chaos.
    They, by design, Ladies and Gentlemen, will be in their fully prepared and well stocked financial and real lifeboats, and those lifeboats were not, by design, prepared or stocked for your or my survival.

    BOTTOM LINE: This is the time to buy physical silver. It is the time they buy; after they have crashed the markets. It is historical fact; read up on the other bankster bastards, the Rothchilds, as one example of economic piracy.
    If you want to survive the storm that is coming to your town, as I do, then you need to think like the robber-baron-bastards they are. You need to understand how your financial enemy thinks, and then watch his actions. Hide your wealth, and prepare to defend it with arms, because they are planning to come for it.

    Oh; while we were sleeping:

    Fed clears China's US bank takeover

    And remember, the Federal Reserve Bank is an international banking cartel. The Fed does not love America; neither are they serving you and your family or mine. They are loaning out the nation from under us, and we, the People, are paying them back with our treasure.That is the process taking place in Europe- it's called a fire sale, and it is coming home to US.

    Thursday, May 10, 2012

    "They Got You By the B*lls!

     George Carlin: "The Illusion of Freedom"

    George Carlin: "They Got You by the Balls!"
    "They" want your retirement money. It's called AUSTERITY: the money stolen from you will be paid to the banksters by...YOU.

    Are you mad as hell yet? Have you been groped enough by the TSA or are you willing to receive a good anal or vaginal cavity search? That won't get you mad as hell yet? Then what will? Roadside executions?

    V is for a victorious Vendetta

    Prepare for Bankster Initiated Civil War in America

    Civil war is coming to America by bankster/government design, and “They” are in an advanced stage of preparation for war against the American people. (Documented here and in previous posts)
    If you are an American citizen, put your assets underground, and arm yourself; “laws/executive orders” have been written to confiscate ALL that you own “for the greater good.”
    If you are an American investor, then cash in your paper assets before they “vaporize” (remember MF Global) “for the greater good.”
    If you are a foreign investor, then cash out of your USA, Inc. paper assets. Once the blood flows in the streets of America, then ALL that you have invested in America will “vaporize” into the blackhole-pockets of the bankster underworld. 

    Here are current American events that the mainstream media has buried as the nation prepares for civil war:

    Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release

    Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens

    FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations

    After Huge Ammo Buy, DHS Purchases Bullet Resistant Booths

    Department of Homeland Security buying up enough ammo to wage seven-year war against the American people war.html

    Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S.

    National Guard Looking for Internment/Resettlement Specialists

    Internment/Resettlement Specialist (31E)


    Massive Run On Guns After Obama Announcement

    FEMA Contract Info for Prospective Contractors: Blue vs Red/Grey “Other efforts of the Operations Division include initiatives such as Operation Rendezvous (OPRON), Task Force Rendezvous, the development and integration of the Federal (and Mutual Aid) Emergency Response Official (F/ERO) Repository system, National Security Special Event (NSSE)…Additional efforts of the Operations division include Geospatial Information Systems (GIS), Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA), Continuity Analysis, and Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4).”

    Joint Blue Force Situational Awareness

    Bill Clears Path For 30,000 Surveillance Drones Over US In Next Ten Years

    Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress

    TSA Responsible For Over 9,000 Unannounced Checkpoints In Last Year

    Coup D’etat: Pentagon & Obama Declare Congress Ceremonial

    Shift on Executive Power Lets Obama Bypass Rivals

    DHS buys 450 million rounds of ammunition: shortage coming

    China unveils new legislation on police of detention  Interestingly, the communist Chinese government balked at employing in their legislation items that the US Congress passed with a landslide majority: legalized torture, disappearances, indeterminate detentions, execution without trial, etc. The US government’s backed NDAA became China’s treatise on the employment of “legalized” government power.

    Tuesday, May 8, 2012

    Buy Physical Silver. Hide It.

    Buy physical silver. Hide it. When the bankster lead government comes to confiscate it from you, “for the greater good,” then lie like a rug. The “greater good” is slated to fill greater pockets, and they are not your pockets or those of your neighbors.

    The Gold Confiscation of April 5, 1933
    (My grandparents were appreciative of FDR's social programs, but when it came to turning over their gold to Depression Era banksters, and being from the Old Country, they were savvy enough to put their gold underground.)
    The Food and Water Confiscation of March 16, 2012
    (Turn in what is mine to our current Super Recession banksters, and trust their FEMA detention centers to take care of me? I'm 21st century savvy, and I will make my grandparents proud!)

    *Disclaimer: Do not believe a word I say. If you are unable and/or unwilling to do some fast and in depth research for yourself, then do not read any further.

    Is the global economic system in the process of crashing? Yes it is, but not right before your eyes; the feel-good propaganda machine- known as the mainstream media- has been co-opted by the international bankster cartel and is drugging the American financial psyche with “don’t worry, be happy” bullshit.

    Is the commodity silver market crashing? Yes, the PAPER SILVER MARKET is crashing. Why? It is crashing because it, the PAPER precious metals markets- silver in particular, is the survival slush fund of the bankster bandits.

    The international bankster cartel
     (here is a list of the mobsters who are hard at work bringing down the global economy :Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China Construction, Bank Wells Fargo & Co, HSBC Holdings, Agricultural Bank of China,  JP Morgan Chase, Bank of China,  Itau Unibanco, Citigroup, Commonwealth Royal Bank Canada, Bank of America, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Banco Santander, Westpac, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial, Banco Bradesco,  Sberbank of Russia ANZ Banking, Bank of Nova Scotia, Standard Chartered, National Australia Bank, US Bancorp, BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs Group, UBS, Bank of Communications, China Merchants Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial, BBVA)
    keeps their Ponzi scheme afloat by siphoning off digital wealth from…let’s say the silver commodity market…and then pouring it into the accounts of …let’s say Europe’s failing banks and failing financial institutions.

    The contra-intuitive result of their thievery in the real world is the PAPER commodity value of silver falling, while the demand for, and value of physical silver climbs.

    Are the banksters shooting themselves in the foot by crashing their own system? No, they are not. In the process of crashing the global economic system, they are confiscating REAL WEALTH from the peoples of the nations whose governments they have corrupted and the individuals they have financially enslaved. The International Monetary Fund has been doing this to third world countries for decades, and they have become very good at it.
    Furthermore, the banksters can loan you $1,000 based on the $100 they have in the vault. Thanks to the economic fantasy of derivatives, they have legally created out of thin air, and loaned to you, the $900 that you now have to pay back in real labor/income. And if you do not pay it back, guess what, they confiscate real wealth from you.
    As George Carlin once said, “They got you by the balls!”

    Are the silver PAPER commodity market manipulators shooting themselves in the foot by crashing the market as they suck it dry? No. They are selling contracts for the future delivery of a REAL COMMODITY, and THEY DO NOT HAVE IT TO DELIVER, and when they do not have the goods to deliver to their dupes, THEY STEAL THE WEALTH FROM their client’s PRIVATE ACCOUNTS.

    When you amass your wealth in paper and their printed promises, you have no wealth.