Thursday, May 17, 2012

Be a Bankster Abolitionist! Say NO to Financial Slavery!

The only terrorists left in the borders of USA, Inc., are the Americans. Are you a American? Then, by law, you are a suspected terrorist until proven otherwise.
Lucky for you and for me there are Americans who are fighting this new “legalized” definition of terrorist.

Military Detention Law Blocked by New York Judge (Update 2)
“Opponents of a U.S. law they claim may subject them to indefinite military detention for activities including news reporting and political activism persuaded a federal judge to temporarily block the measure.”
The new “domestic terrorist” will be any individual who will speak out against the government in any way, shape or form, and you believe the term domestic terrorist does not define you.

Okay, now consider the following, when the government confiscates your retirement account and your bank account for the “necessary austerity measures” required in order to pay back the banks they indebted us to, will that be your tipping point? Will that be enough motivation for you to speak out against the government? If so, then you will be classified, under law, as a domestic terrorist. Think about it.

And do not forget to connect the dots by finding simple answers to simple questions, such as: why is BLOOMBERG reporting on this news if the subject does not have a financial/economic/social connection relating directly to the American market place?

Senators to Unveil the ‘Ex-Patriot Act’ to Respond to Facebook’s Saverin’s Tax ‘Scheme’

Our congress is in the bankster’s pocket. There is no escape from the wave of confiscatory taxation (necessary austerity measures) about to sweep across the human resource known as the American people.
But wait, there’s more! If you or I owe anything, $0.85 - $-infinity, to the IRS (the official bankster revenue collectors of USA, Inc.), then you or I will not be permitted to leave the country. And remember, mistakes do happen; it is only a resource sucking bureaucracy after all.
Owe The IRS? Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

Be a Bankster Abolitionist and say NO! to financial slavery!

And, dear people, you have no friends in our current political system. The Democrat and Republican political machines are two wings of the same bird. And the bird is a vulture consuming every resource our nation had to offer. It is now turning upon its human resource. Wake up!

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