Monday, June 25, 2012

CNBC: We ARE Slaves to the Central Bankers

Wonderful to see that Ziggy Brzezinski's CNBC propaganda media platform allowed a bit of truth to sneak past their censors!

I do not need CNBC to confirm what I know to be true, but it is refreshing to see that a wider audience was able to hear of the fact that the global economy has become the slave trade of the international central banking system, that economic fundamentals are dead, and that we are being pushed, by design, into a singular global banking system.

Also good to see that at least gold, as a tangible asset, still remains a safe haven in their estimation. Silver, as you may remember, has always been a coin of the realm from ancient times until the near present when we were told to believe that fake money has real value.

Silver will always be a safe haven; so take some of that devalued fiat money and put it into real silver coinage. Some time in the not too distant future you may be able to obtain some food with that silver coinage. Try using some of that fiat paper or nickle/copper clad coinage to get you out of a bad scrape some time down the post-apocalyptic road. But don't toss them, you may need those clad coins to make a few good washers, or some of that currency to use as kindling to start a fire.

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