Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Another Civil War Against Slavery?

The silver and gold paper markets continue to indicate the health of the global economy, albeit in a historically contradictory manner. The only investors remaining in the “Paper” precious metals market are those manipulated few who are still betting, hoping and praying to their demons for the salvation of the global economic system. And so, when some hopeful sprig of “good news” scents the airwaves with a notion that the European Union will survive its deepening socioeconomic crisis, the paper precious metals markets rise in value.

In the meantime, those who are cognizant of the writing on the wall, and are able to discern it, continue to purchase physical assets of every kind, especially those assets that will avail themselves in some practical way to one's survival.

If you are not familiar with the dynamics of personal survival, as most Americans are not, then you will find it very beneficial to read the diaries, biographies, and histories of the civilian who survived the horrors of World War Two, and I am not referring only to the Jews. There were civilians in Europe who survived under Nazi occupation, and some actually thrived, but the greater majority experienced life changing events that included the deaths of loved ones and the loss of home, possessions and personal wealth. Millions became refugees, and to pray “give us this day our daily bread” meant just that and that alone.

This experience is a rising reality in America, and although “survival” and “preparedness” and “self-sufficiency” have become tin-foil-hat words- compliments of the blue-screen propagandists who are determined to keep the herd smiling as it transcends the edge of the cliff- the degenerate global elite have built their retreats, stocked their shelves, and armed themselves for protection against you.

In a very few months there will be global events that will awaken the herd up in a moments time, and the result will be a flood of anger and rage from those who will demand to know why they were not told of the horrors in advance so that they could have prepared themselves while there was still time.

But before these events occur we will be disarmed; because armed slaves are difficult to control. We will be brought to economic ruin; because it is easy to control hungry people. We will be relocated to established concentration camps; because homeless people will need a roof over their head. These are only a few of the things being prepared for those who survive the coming events.

Prepare yourselves, and give up nothing that will be demanded from you by the United Nations global government and its enforcers of economic slavery. They are not your friends, they are not here to serve you, and they do not come in peace.Remember, slavery was once "the law" in America, and we fought a war to abolish it. We may have to fight another one to keep it from returning.

Hold onto your guns! Protect your home, hearth, food, wealth and health. Gain spiritual strength in advance of the days of trouble. Be better to others than you would expect them to be to you. Turn away from evil, but toward helping the weak. Remain vigilant and keenly aware of the world around you. Good people must survive what is coming if a better world is to be created from the ashes of the present corruption.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Eminent Domain: Government/Banker Collusion

As the 5th Column Manchurian president, Barry Soetoro, dissolves the 2nd Amendment into a United Nations Gun Treaty, the bankers continue to steal homes from good, law abiding people. Puppet Barry and Company know that when austerity becomes the final bank bailout, the people are going to get really angry and are going to begin looking for banker blood to spill.

Bankers are stealing homes-owners' properties:
Clouded Titles: The Foreclosure Crisis Exposed with Author Dave Krieger

And worse, local governments are beta testing the “legal” rip-off of mortgaged homes. Government working in collusion with corporations at the expense of the people is defined as fascism, and authoritarian fascism characterizes the soul of the present global government/banking system. A one world currency will follow the fall of the Euro and the US dollar.

Calif. Cities Eye Plan to Seize Mortgages

The stated reason for this government land-grab under eminent domain is to help home owners whose mortgages are under water. The local government, having taken possession of a mortgaged home, will reach a refinancing agreement with the bank so that the home owner, now in total serf status, can make lower monthly payments to the local government. 

What if at some point down the road of national economic dissolution the municipality has no room in its public housing to house the suddenly homeless? If the state owns your mortgage, then your house is public housing.

California cities are beginning to drop one by one through insolvency. Never, ever trust government. Historically speaking, it is in government’s nature and best interest to exploit the people’s energy and wealth in order to maintain and strengthen its own existence. And the bankers, having exploited the American dream of home ownership through the sub-prime mortgage fraud, should be incarcerated by the government instead of becoming business partners with it.

If you have the sense that reality has changed, and that we are functioning in a new paradigm of unmitigated corruption in the most trusted and respected realms of society, then you are correct.  If you have yet to realize what dire financial straits we the people are in, then you have yet to face government/banker fraud and austerity face to face. And, by the way, the big banks, thanks to their tax-payer financed bailouts, now control 51% of the capital flowing through the US economy. Where is it flowing to? Certainly not the economy of the never ending Great Recession!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Obama: The United Nations 5th Column Manchurian

There is a new revolution occurring in the Whitehouse. Its roots are in the Communist Manifesto, and its financier is the international banking cartel. Its political cadre is the despotic elite functioning through the United Nations organization. Its puppet in the Whitehouse is not an American citizen, nor is he a servant of its people.

An American president in service to his nation would not, could not morally or legally, hand the keys of his nation over to a world organization. Our puppet president is at war with the American people, and he has every desire to enforce their demise.

Barry Soetoro October Surprise

Homeland Security/C.I.A. Launch Investigation of Dr. James David Manning

Since January, 2012, every "legal" milestone for the enslavement of the nation has been set in place by this United Nations Manchurian candidate, Mr. Barry Soetoro, the illegitimate president of the United States of America.

His latest decision, in service to the United Nations and the international banking cartel, will be his single handed acceptance of the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. His desire is for every street in the nation to resemble the murderous streets of Chicago, where only the gangster and the ineffectual state enforces of public safety are armed, and the citizen remains at the mercy of both.

He desires every American city to be the post-Katrina New Orleans where armed gangs of police raped and terrorized its citizens, and where the National Guard disarmed the law abiding citizens by brute force. This is where he spoke last evening of the necessity for gun control in America; a slap in the face to the victims of state terror, and those who are aware of the state enforced carnage that occurred in post-Katrina New Orleans.

Dig in, people, dig in, for the worst for America is yet to come.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mainstream Media Fail!

True to form, the mainstream media- MSNBC, CNN, FOX, HLN, ABC, CBS, et al- has been trying to squeeze the emotion out of the Aurora tragedy, and then pouring its mix into the mind of a witless public in need of a cause, and a motive to live. The mainstream media has failed, because, simply stated, no one is watching!

The hive is awake; the propagandists of the dinosaur mainstream media have lost their prestige.
The mainstream media has become irrelevant; it now stands in all its public disgrace as the voice of a naked whore shouting for tricks in an empty auditorium.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Hive has become Self Illuminated!

The Powers That Be have lost control of the hive’s consciousness; the greater part of humanity has finally transcended the tipping point, and have become self aware. We have become illuminated, en mass, and conscious of the fact that the mainstream media is as much a promotional tool for a government’s agenda as it is for an advertiser’s product. Advertisers seek to sell a product by evoking a smile and a sense of comfort and well being from its audience, where as government seeks to sell an agenda by evoking horror and fear.

The audience’s state of emotional horror and fear is the sweet spot- the perfect gateway into an individual’s unconsciousness; it is the moment when the human psyche is most vulnerable to suggestion and manipulation. It is the moment when the latent archetypical villain imprinted upon the humane psyche is energized, given a name, and branded as a personal threat upon one’s conscious perception of reality. The mainstream media has become adept at manipulating the human mind. It has become the blue-screen messenger of fantasy, the co-creator of illusion, and the modern steering force of the common consensus.

As horrific an event as the Aurora shooting is, these horrors are certainly being exploited by the degenerate elite as a means to an agenda driven end. I have predicted that there will soon be more mass shootings in America, and, may I add, in the coming days around the world as well, because these horrific and emotionally traumatic events are the gateway to one's inner mind. These events are, among the psychopathic elite, a justifiable means to their end. The current end these degenerates are pursuing is the acceptance of the United Nation’s Gun Ban Treaty by the American people.

Without a crisis no savior is needed. Create the crisis, and the people will take note of a problem. Make the problem unbearable, and the people will clamor for a solution. Enter the savior with his pre-planned solution in hand. The emotionally assaulted public will accept whatever solution the savior has to offer them as protection against this new goblin of the mind. For the benefit of all humanity, the greater part of us have finally come to understand that almost every emotionally gut wrenching event of the late-20th and early 21st Century has been the product of governments forcing their will upon us. The only way the degenerate elite of the world, the Powers That Be, have served man has been by bleeding, cutting, and roasting us, and then serving us as hors d'oeuvres in the banquets fattening their substance by the consumption of our energy.

Those who create world and national crisis in the pursuit of their agenda, regardless of the pain inflicted upon humanity, are the very degenerates seeking to disarm the peoples of the world, and especially America. Their agenda is total and complete gun confiscation as dictated by the United Nation’s treaty soon to be voted on by Congress. Where the United Nations goes, death swallows the defenseless.

As of Sunday morning, July 22, 2012, the mainstream media has failed in its exploitation of the Aurora shooting. Its dramatized and emotionally charged chronology of mass shootings in America has not had its desired affect! The hive has become aware! Experts and politicians have pointed their finger at the murderer and not at his weapon of choice! Despite mainstream media’s agenda endorsing propaganda, the fact remains that the greater part of humanity does not kill another human being by any means. But if all means of killing used by the few murderers among us were to be made illegal, then all life would cease to function by the lack of legal materials at hand.

Today’s greatest and most proficient murderers, by international treaty, are the militaries that are controlled by the governments clustered within and supporting the same organization that is seeking gun confiscation from the entire world population. The United Nations, its financiers, and its enforcers are by far the greatest threat to humanity and the planet.

Critical mass has been reached, and the hive is awake! The more of us the degenerate elite murder in pursuit of their agenda, the greater number of humanity will be awakened. The tipping point has been transcended!

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Aurora Shooting & State Terrorism

My prediction:

An increase of mass shootings will occur in the US as the Congressional vote of the Obama-supported United Nations Gun Ban Treaty approaches.

What has happened in Aurora is horrific, and the emotion is beyond words. And that is why the event will serve as a useful tool for a government at war with its own people. For the next month the world will see state-sponsored terrorism sweep across America from coast to coast in the form of mass shootings.

This state sponsored terrorism will be given the seal of approval by the same individuals who delivered to the world Fast & Furious, and the Oklahoma City bombing.

Historically, when a law supporting the globalist’s agenda of population control and domination is being opposed by the people they intend to control and dominate, then blood will flow in the streets until the legislation supporting the globalist agenda  is approved.

The mainstream media will use this wave of mass shooting as their foundation in support of the United Nations gun confiscation treaty. They will use this blood shed as their vehicle for their Breaking News drive-by shootings of the American perception of reality; made vulnerable and malleable by their repetitious infliction of psychic trauma.

Do not believe what I say at face value. I know the veracity of my words, but you do not. Do the research!

Every individual has the right to defend his or her life, limb and property against all offenders, in all circumstances, and by any means possible.

Our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is in support of that natural human instinct of survival, and, as Americans, is in support of our ability to preserve and maintain our status as free individuals. A state or government may have or presume to have the brute power to strip us of our arms, thus leaving us defenseless and at its mercy, but it does not have the right to do so. Our RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS is the People’s key to keeping a rouge government at bay. Any government supporting an international power that is determined to strip the American people of its arms is, by law, a rouge government, and an enemy of the people.

This is the day when FREEDOM exacts its price. And yes, the state will shed our blood as a means to its ends, but a free people will use every non-violent means necessary to keep tyranny at bay, until, as the British did at Lexington and Concord, they come to take our guns.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Iceland said NO! to Austerity

Icelandic voters reject Icesave debt repayment plan
The voters of Iceland rejected their government’s submission to banker debt.The bankers learned that the people had real power.

Iceland voters reject plan to repay bank debt
They were willing to face the consequences of a default on this fraudulent national debt, then to become further financially enslaved by the international banking cartel.

Iceland Rejects Bankster Shakedown
Where the American Congress cowered under banker threat of martial law, the people of Iceland braved the banker assault, and became the world’s predominate financial land of the free and home of the brave.

UK 'disappointment' as Iceland rejects repayment deal
The London based financial cartel recoiled under the threat of an informed populace that was willing to let the bankers fail.

Iceland rejects bank payback deal
The international financial slavers did not allow the Greeks to employ their anti-debt referendum. The banks holding the Greek national debt stepped in and ousted the Prime Minister in an economic coup, and replaced him with a Goldman Sachs banker. Austerity and higher taxes ensued.

CNBC Admits We Are All Slaves to Central Bankers, “Is This Global Governance at Last?
The goal of the international banking cartel is the confiscation and transference of wealth from the many to the few by any means possible.

Iceland’s Former Prime Minister Rejects Bank Collapse Blame Eds
The people of Iceland went a step further; they brought their government sell-outs to trial. Incarceration is what awaits America’s government sell-outs as well.

Let the “too big to fail” fail! They have stolen trillions of dollars from the American public through government approved Banker Bailouts, and have given ZERO back to initiate our economic recovery. Their tax-payer financed bailout money has instead been invested on Wall Street, adding billions in profit to their wealth. They have then used those profits as factory-building investment capital in China and Brazil. America’s leadership has failed the nation, and now we are obligated to pay for our own economic demise.

You know the system is dead when the To Big to Go to Jail face no criminal charges for their crimes, while the average American’s assets are seized because of owed taxes.
You know that economic tyranny exists when those who write the law are above the law, and acquire the confiscated wealth from those upon whom the law is enforced.
You know that the system is corrupt when, by law and the use of armed force, the bank’s debt is protected, and the citizen is left without recourse.

It is time for the entire world to go Icelandic- Revolution by Ballot!

If that course of action is pre-empted by the banks and their government puppets, as in Greece, then maybe it is time to go Spanish:  Revolution in the Streets!

I personally choose the ballot, but that's not the banker's ways; it’s just too civil and unprofitable. The banks would rather forcibly disarm a nation, as they are attempting to do in America via the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, then to experience the will of the people peacefully.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Bush/Obama Banker Deception

The Obama Deception

This video is not about Obama, nor about the left/right political paradigm of the nation.
It is about the globalist banker takeover of nations through financial subterfuge.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Revolution Began Within

There is a body of ancient knowledge in the world that has been hushed up for a very, very long time; kept secret by a priesthood , so called, that has for millennia cloaked itself in one cult or another, or one religion or humanistic or scientific cabal or another. They have been continuous and consistent in the private teachings of their ancient wisdom and knowledge. It would be a lengthy task to explain who they are, what they know, why their knowledge is a secret, and, with it, what they are accomplishing in this world. If you are in search of their knowledge, then trust me in saying that it is out there, and you only need to know where to search and how to identify the grail.

My writings on this blog appear to be pessimistic. They probably are because I happen to have gained knowledge of what is coming. This knowledge can be quite depressing because it places a person in a true state of mourning for the fate of an uninformed world. Although what is about to occur cannot be reversed, its degree and effect upon humanity can be mitigated through a personal level of human spirituality and preparedness. And I do mean spirituality and not religiosity; spirituality centered in a life that is in tune with the universal absolutes that are embodied in the order of the universe. The laws of the spirit are as real and set as are the laws of physics and mathematics. They just happen to be a frequency beyond our human consciousness and perception, but when you abide by them, or cross them, the results are usually quite clear and in your face.

Here is the ancient knowledge you must know, plain and simple: the earth, the sun, the solar system, and the galaxy go through cycles. These cycles are in increments measured in the thousands and tens of thousands of years. There are signs and wonders that indicate when the end of a cycle is near and a new one is about to begin. We are in one of those transitional periods, and it is the transition of a Great Cycle. Two nearly tandem events are in the process of occurring. One is the Great War. The world is racing toward this war as you read these words. The second is a shift of our planet on its axis; also known as a displacement of the earth’s crust. This is not a new planetary event. If one of these events is not powerful enough to end the world as we know it, then the other will compensate for it.

The ancient priesthood, so called, has been preparing for this approaching cataclysm for many generations. They have created a world system which they now dominate, and have used the resources of nations- the energy of humanity, so to speak- to fund their preparations. They are set and ready to go underground for up to three and a half years- more or less, and intend to emerge in strength with the intent of corralling and controlling those who survive on the surface. Their emergence from under the earth will be the time of the proverbial mark that will be placed upon the hungry in order for each to buy or sell…food. The political and economic powers that rule and manipulate the world today in the macrocosm, and our daily lives in the microcosm, intend to do so to a much greater degree in their post-cataclysmic New World Same as the Old World.

Life is a fractal experience- what we experience in the microcosm of our lives is also occurring in the macrocosm of the world, as below so above. The enslaving, imprisoning, and oppressive powers of this world will fail today and in the future if individuals choose to defeat them in the microcosm of his or her daily lives. This is where one’s concurrence with the order of the universe has a measurable positive energetic input into the world at large, because right thought, intent and action in one’s daily life does combine positive spiritual energy with the physical energies of the universe, thus resulting in a truly unified creation capable of defeating the deconstructive energy that is currently dominating the world. The future of the world actually does depend upon each one of us.

A person’s first preparation for survival in a pre- and post-cataclysmic world should be, in my opinion, to align one’s self with all that you know in your heart to be right, and moral, and holy on a very human and personal level. The isms and emotional and psychological constructs of a soon to be deceased world may be of little help to you in this process. This personal unification of one’s self with the universe may involve life changes that only you know may need to take place. That, in my opinion, is the first step in preparing for what the priests, so called, have chosen to keep secret.

The Revolution begins within.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Banker's Floatation Device for the Sinking

The banks are floating and manipulating the global financial system.
Market Savior? Stocks Might Be 50% Lower Without Fed

Fed officials warn of looming problems for economy
Really? Let’s break it down:
“Fed officials signaled their concern that the struggling U.S. economy could worsen if Congress fails to avert tax hikes and across-the-board spending cuts that kick in at the end of the year. And they expressed worries that Europe's debt crisis will weigh on U.S. growth.”
“Fed officials” are employees of the international banking cartel, the Federal Reserve.
Spokesmen for this international banking cartel are warning the US government that the economy will worsen if Congress raises taxes or cuts across-the-board-spending.

Is this banker double-speak?
Higher taxes will not pay off the interest on the nation’s debt, and not raising taxes will contradict the law. The “across-the-board-spending cuts” the bankers speak of are called austerity in Europe- government shrinking its mandate to the people in order to pay its banker loans.
Are the bankers playing the role of Good Cop while Congress is playing Bad Cop? Congress will have to do, by law, what the bankers have placed the nation in a position that it must do in order to pay the national debt...to the banks.

“And they expressed worries that Europe's debt crisis will weigh on U.S. growth.”
That is banker-speak saying to the adept, what is happening in Europe is coming to the US, Europe’s debt crisis is currently weighing on US growth, and the bankers are going to do to the US just as they are doing to Europe.

“Since the recession, the Fed has bought more than $2 trillion in Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities, expanding its portfolio to more than $2.8 trillion.”
Please pay attention. An international banking cartel is buying US treasury bonds in order to keep the nation afloat. Our national budget is being paid with an international banker credit card. When the nation defaults, as it is planned to do, the bankers will do to US the same it is doing to Greece and Spain and Ireland and Portugal. Research what has happened socially and financially in those nations. Understand why millions are taking to the streets and rioting. You will not hear that financial news from the American mainstream media because its mission is to keep the American people in the dark for as long as possible.

Get your assets out of paper now. Have your own bank run before the general public is made aware of our national fall over the financial cliff. Prepare yourself while the sun still shines.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Europe Consumes Silver's Value

Silver and gold are crashing because Europe is crashing.
The market manipulators are cashing in in order to keep their banks afloat.
Money, in the meantime, is pouring out of Europe and into the dollar and other precarious currencies and negative rate bonds.
These paper investments will fail as well because the entire global financial system is floundering.
There will be a turn back to silver and gold as a safe haven.
Ride out the storm if you are able to.
Other safe investment havens will be food, guns & ammo, a safe place to live.
In fact they are currently safe havens.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Minus is Greater than Plus

France sells bonds at negative interest rate

PARIS (AP) -- France's government has sold short-term bonds at negative interest rates for the first time, a sign of investor confidence despite concerns about French debts and the wider eurozone.

Really? Imagine that. Negative yield bonds have become a sign of investor confidence?
Is anyone asking who the investors may be? Chances are the investors are the central banks, and they are very confident that they may keep the European economy afloat for another month or so.
This is how a banker bailout of a nation works: the nation in financial distress borrows digital money created out of nothing from the banks. The nation takes this borrowed money and turns them into national bonds, and auctions them off to the highest bidder.

If the nation is in deep financial distress, there are few bidders, no matter how high the yield being offered may be. That being the case, and it most recently has been, the banks that loaned the money to the nation for the creation of the bonds become the buyers of the bonds.

Think about it.

The nation is kept from defaulting on loans to the banks by borrowing more money from the banks in order to become further indebted to the banks.

In the meantime, in order to collect on their loans, the taxes the people pay to their national treasury go to the banks that funded the nation’s operational expenses. It was not always like that. There was a time not too long ago when the banks did not have to expose the fact that they were the ones pumping air into the floatation device upon which their fiat system rests.

When the economy contracts, as have the economies of Europe and the US, the taxes collected decrease, and national default becomes a possibility. National default to the bankers results in austerity: the nation rifling the retirement accounts of its workers as well as cutting back on, if not eliminating, social programs. If that is not enough to pay back the interest to the bankers, then the fire sale of national assets begins, as has occurred in Greece. (The International Monetary Fund has honed its operational model on third world countries for many decades.)

All of the financial woes occurring in Europe have already begun in the USA. The train cannot be stopped, but you can, for a short time, jump off and do as much as you are able to do for you and yours. Live each day as if it is the last day in the world as you know it.