Monday, July 16, 2012

Iceland said NO! to Austerity

Icelandic voters reject Icesave debt repayment plan
The voters of Iceland rejected their government’s submission to banker debt.The bankers learned that the people had real power.

Iceland voters reject plan to repay bank debt
They were willing to face the consequences of a default on this fraudulent national debt, then to become further financially enslaved by the international banking cartel.

Iceland Rejects Bankster Shakedown
Where the American Congress cowered under banker threat of martial law, the people of Iceland braved the banker assault, and became the world’s predominate financial land of the free and home of the brave.

UK 'disappointment' as Iceland rejects repayment deal
The London based financial cartel recoiled under the threat of an informed populace that was willing to let the bankers fail.

Iceland rejects bank payback deal
The international financial slavers did not allow the Greeks to employ their anti-debt referendum. The banks holding the Greek national debt stepped in and ousted the Prime Minister in an economic coup, and replaced him with a Goldman Sachs banker. Austerity and higher taxes ensued.

CNBC Admits We Are All Slaves to Central Bankers, “Is This Global Governance at Last?
The goal of the international banking cartel is the confiscation and transference of wealth from the many to the few by any means possible.

Iceland’s Former Prime Minister Rejects Bank Collapse Blame Eds
The people of Iceland went a step further; they brought their government sell-outs to trial. Incarceration is what awaits America’s government sell-outs as well.

Let the “too big to fail” fail! They have stolen trillions of dollars from the American public through government approved Banker Bailouts, and have given ZERO back to initiate our economic recovery. Their tax-payer financed bailout money has instead been invested on Wall Street, adding billions in profit to their wealth. They have then used those profits as factory-building investment capital in China and Brazil. America’s leadership has failed the nation, and now we are obligated to pay for our own economic demise.

You know the system is dead when the To Big to Go to Jail face no criminal charges for their crimes, while the average American’s assets are seized because of owed taxes.
You know that economic tyranny exists when those who write the law are above the law, and acquire the confiscated wealth from those upon whom the law is enforced.
You know that the system is corrupt when, by law and the use of armed force, the bank’s debt is protected, and the citizen is left without recourse.

It is time for the entire world to go Icelandic- Revolution by Ballot!

If that course of action is pre-empted by the banks and their government puppets, as in Greece, then maybe it is time to go Spanish:  Revolution in the Streets!

I personally choose the ballot, but that's not the banker's ways; it’s just too civil and unprofitable. The banks would rather forcibly disarm a nation, as they are attempting to do in America via the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, then to experience the will of the people peacefully.

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