Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obamacare Tax Stands & Military Tanks "Train" in St Louis

People have asked in recent days, "Why are military tanks training against the people in the streets of Saint Louis?"    
Guest Post: Military Rolls Tanks Onto St. Louis Streets...But Why?

Now we know why.
Supreme Court Healthcare Decision
In the midst of a growing economic depression, about to get worse as Europe nears financial collapse, the Supreme Court agrees that the American middle class needs to be further taxed to financial death, thus Obamacare stands.

By the way:  Mitt Romney created and beta tested Obamacare in Massachusetts. It is called Romneycare.
Take a wild guess at what WILL NOT be repealed if the brain-dead selectorate approves Romney as our next demander and thief.

Romney Healthcare a Bust for Massachusetts

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2nd Revolution: To Hell with the 2012 ELECTION

The vulture has two wings, a left and a right, but only one head with one beak, and that beak consumes what is dead.
The vulture is our political system. It is consuming the People; it is consuming US. One party builds upon the national rubble left by the trashing of the other.
The most useful, malleable, easily manipulated and dirtiest flea from each wing is plucked by the respective party's political machine, and placed in the main stream media propaganda spotlight as the candidate best suited to protect the status quo.

Celente: The 2nd American Revolution STARTS NOW!                          

These fleas are not chosen by the People. For if the People participating in the workings of candidate selection did choose a candidate who actually spoke the mind of the People, then that candidate, if he were not the vulture's choice, would be wholly ignored by the whores of the Fourth Estate, and vilified as well.
They will create the public's opinion with nightly news brainwave entrainers such as, "He can't win," and, "He won't win," or, "He'll never win," while in reality he- the People's choice- wins time after time after time. Regardless of ignored fact, the media's fiction becomes the common consensus of those not participating in the candidate selection process; they are easily led by the nose because humans are more easily trained than are rats in a cage or dogs at a bowl.

"He can't win; he won't win; he'll never win, so I think I'll vote for the candidate I've been told to believe is the only viable choice."  But this choice is as far removed from the will and mind of the People as is a marionette from its audience. Maybe, sadly, an electorate that easily manipulated, as are the American people, deserve to be consumed by the vulture.

The 2012 presidential election will be more of the same: the voter's selection of marionette A or marionette B. Neither one's strings will be pulled for the purpose of serving the People. They are both evil; the lesser or the greater notwithstanding. The Mob, in mafia/criminal terms, is ruling, and I for one will not participate in their crimes, or in the national selection of the vulture's chosen puppet.

Monday, June 25, 2012

CNBC: We ARE Slaves to the Central Bankers

Wonderful to see that Ziggy Brzezinski's CNBC propaganda media platform allowed a bit of truth to sneak past their censors!

I do not need CNBC to confirm what I know to be true, but it is refreshing to see that a wider audience was able to hear of the fact that the global economy has become the slave trade of the international central banking system, that economic fundamentals are dead, and that we are being pushed, by design, into a singular global banking system.

Also good to see that at least gold, as a tangible asset, still remains a safe haven in their estimation. Silver, as you may remember, has always been a coin of the realm from ancient times until the near present when we were told to believe that fake money has real value.

Silver will always be a safe haven; so take some of that devalued fiat money and put it into real silver coinage. Some time in the not too distant future you may be able to obtain some food with that silver coinage. Try using some of that fiat paper or nickle/copper clad coinage to get you out of a bad scrape some time down the post-apocalyptic road. But don't toss them, you may need those clad coins to make a few good washers, or some of that currency to use as kindling to start a fire.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Banker Toxic Loans & Fraud in Spanish Real Estate Began Spain’s Collapse

The collapse of the Spanish economy was initiated with the bursting of its real estate market. The banks did the same in Spain as they did in USA, Inc., circa 2008.
Spain, a Housing Bubble and Who Knew What
Last paragraph, “…Spain's housing problem is not that relatively costly, given Europe's resources and Spain's size. It would need an infusion of money, say $100 billion, to allow the banks to allow the housing market to clear. Given that the housing depression is costing Spain several percentage points of economic growth each year, that seems like a relative bargain. But even Garicano admits that it won't be seen that way. After all, the conventional wisdom narrates a story about fiscal profligacy and looming bubbles, for which the leeches of austerity remain the one and only cure.”

As in USA, Inc., so in Spain, the banks ran toward throwing hundreds of billions of dollars to “bail out the banks,” instead of saving the real estate market from collapse. After all, the banks created the collapse; why would they fix it? Better to financially enslave the nation in banker debt then to look after its well being. And yes, just as in USA, Inc., Spain’s main stream media protected the bankers by putting the onus of the debacle on the poor slobs duped into the dream of owning a home thanks to easy banker money.

Toxic Loans, a.k.a. Liar Loans, were the banker’s royal flush, their winning hand in a game of economic global domination.
Spain rescues bank as spectre of Irish property crash looms

The purpose of the interview with William K. Black (linked below), explains how the banking industry designed and executed the creation and destruction of the US housing market. It also defines liar loans, and how fraud became an acceptable practice in the current national and international banking system.

Financial Fraud- C2C 20 Nov. 2011 (1 through 4)
William K. Black
Fraudulent banker loans, and the creation and designed explosion of the sub-prime mortgage market.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ponzi in Motion: The Demise & Reconstruction of Nations via Banker Debt

It is not a coincidence, it is not happenstance, it is not a mistake, nor is it an accident.
When banks buy national debt, nations will collapse, and from the ashes a global oligarchy will rise. That is the plan; that is what is occurring, and it is being done by design.
Top Customer: Under Obama, Fed’s Holdings of U.S. Debt Have Jumped 452%
Madrid Leans on Its Troubled Banks to Buy Its Bonds

Spain has been “saved” by the banks, so say those who stand to gain from this “rescue.”
Ponzi has been thrown a life preserver. His ugly head will remain above water for a while longer. And while he is still able to breathe fresh air, his saviors will accumulate as much debt from the nations of the world as is humanly possible to do in a shrinking window of opportunity.

The bankers know this Spanish bailout to be a Spanish sell out. The bankers know this newest addition to Spain’s national debt, to the banks, to be a default in progress. They have already scheduled the fire-sale. The George Soros and Warren Buffets of the world have their place on line and are feverishly financing their claim to Spanish national treasure. Just as in Greece, these assets will be sold for pennies on the Euro, to the bankers and global financiers who arranged and financed the default from the beginning.
Skeptical Spaniards pour scorn on Rajoy over rescue

If that reality is not economically perverse enough, the greater economic perversion is that Spain’s $125 Billion bailout fund was created, by the banks, out of thin air. Of course the IMF is praising this fresh Spanish indebtedness.
IMF, US praise 100 bn euro bank deal for Spain, afp, June 10, 2012

Buying off governments, and then “legally” creating national debt is the business model of the International Monetary Fund, and with this model the IMF’ers have been ransacking third world countries for decades. These economic carrion, economic vultures and slave traders, have come to roost in Europe and in the Americas; they are pecking at our barely breathing economic body. These foul creatures are the planet’s economic living dead; zombies by nature. These foul beings breathe the same air as we, but they begin and finance wars on both sides, create social and economic chaos, and care nothing for humanity’s sufferings. They relish austerity when used as a condiment upon living flesh, and debt as the chains of slavery.
Greek chief tax inspector says Christine Lagarde right to criticise evasion
The IMF deposed the Greek elected government and manned it with its own servants who now demand taxes from the masses to pay off the banks. Of course an official Greek servant of the banks would agree with this reptilian  IMF’er, Lagarde. Is it hard to understand why there are riots in Europe over austerity and higher taxes rooted in bankster fraud?

This Spanish bailout has saved only one thing and one thing alone, Ponzi lives for another day. And yes, they have plans in place for the day Ponzi dies:
a global bank, a global currency, and a global government in control of the peoples of all the world’s bankrupted nations, including USA, Inc.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Economy Failing? Bring US to War & FEMA Camps

 GERALD CELENTE - War, Freedom, Economics. Spring 2012 Trends Journal                                        

The attention of the average person is easily diverted. Diversion is the easiest way to tell if a person you are speaking with is uncomfortable with the subject. He or she will interject a new subject-one that is usually emotionally charged- into the conversation; most often a red herring with a bite. Most people will unconsciously change direction in the blink of a thought. It is an easy, common exercise in mind manipulation.

Those who decide, set and enforce global and national policy are expert at playing the "mind of the people." Diverting the mind of the people from a failing national and global economy is as simple as demonizing a foreign nation and bringing us to war. This is a corporate/governmental/financial exercise rich in history. It is being played on you.

For instance, the only entities in the world that are going to profit from a war with Iran are the same that have profited from the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. The American people have not profited, and neither have the Europeans, but the international corporate/banking cartel has. Look at our economies, and the decline in our overall standard of living. And if you peel back the layers of propaganda you have been fed these past ten years and do your own investigation, you will find that the peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya have suffered under NATO's rule just as Europe suffered under Germany's occupation.

The attacks of 9-11 emotionally homogenized the American psyche, and our national mind has been putty in the hands of evil people ever since.

 Crooks and Criminals in High Places with Gerald Celente 1/3
 Crooks and Criminals in High Places with Gerald Celente 2/3
 Crooks and Criminals in High Places with Gerald Celente 3/3

Gerald Celente ID's the 2-Bit Freaks Running the Asylum

Gerald Celente never holds a punch when the best shot presents an opening. And the opening for the best shot always presents itself when truth and the common sense of reality are held in comparison against our corporate government's "official story" and the Main Stream Media's feel-good-public-indoctrination propaganda.

Gerald Celente - The National Intel Report - June 5, 2012