Friday, August 24, 2012

Mental Institution for the Lawful Protestor?

There is hope for America.
If you have paid close attention this last decade, you will have noticed that there is an assault against the freedoms of our nation by those whose desire is to ultimately control the People in our entirety.
The assaults are piecemeal and usually reported only in the local media. When the stories enter the national spotlight, then the People are given the opportunity to express their opinion, and the opinion is usually against the actions of those few in power who have no regard for an American individual’s freedom and the laws that protect it.
If by chance an assault against one person’s freedom occurs in your locale, then make it a national story. Bring it to everyone’s attention. Turn on the light of knowledge, and the insidious haters and destroyers of the freedoms our nation has stood for will scatter like roaches in an infested room. They can and will be defeated.
By the way, for those of you who are uninformed in Cold War history, every communist nation sent its political dissidents to prison, labor camps, and especially to psychiatric hospitals. The totalitarian regimes of these nations deemed political dissent against the government as a mental illness. Never in America?

Subject: RE: ANTI-GOVERNMENT PHOBIA. You are mentally ill?

Consider Mr. Raub’s experience as an assault on America, a beta test of totalitarian proportions, and if ignored by us today may very well bite all of us sooner than you think.

Va. judge orders release of detained veteran
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A judge on Thursday ordered the release of a former Marine who was detained for psychiatric evaluation after posting strident anti-government messages on Facebook.
Prince George County Circuit Judge W. Allan Sharrett said at the end of a one-hour hearing that the involuntary commitment order issued by a magistrate against Brandon J. Raub was invalid because it contained no allegation or basis to hold him, according to the head of a civil liberties organization that represented the 26-year-old veteran.
"This is a great victory," Rutherford Institute executive director John Whitehead said. "He's a good human being. He just got caught in some weird bureaucratic meanderings and the judge recognized that there's really no true facts to hold this man in a psychiatric ward."
Raub was released from the Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center late Thursday and was on his way back to his home in the Richmond area, a Rutherford Institute spokeswoman said. Both Raub and his mother, Cathleen Thomas, were unavailable for comment.
Raub, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was taken into custody Aug. 16 after being questioned by Chesterfield County police and federal agents about his Facebook posts. The FBI said the interview was prompted by complaints from people who read his ominous posts, including some that spoke of a pending revolution. One said "a day of reckoning" was coming, and another said: "Sharpen my axe; I'm here to sever heads."
Onlookers shot a video of Raub being led away from his home in handcuffs and posted it on You Tube, fueling a groundswell of support for the veteran and criticism that the government was trampling on his free-speech rights. The Charlottesville-based Rutherford Institute came to his defense, characterizing the government's actions as those of a police state. Raub was not charged with a crime.
"Brandon Raub was arrested with no warning, targeted for doing nothing more than speaking out against the government, detained against his will, and isolated from his family, friends and attorneys," Whitehead said. "These are the kinds of things that take place in totalitarian societies. Today, at least, Judge Allan Sharrett proved that justice can still prevail in America."
He called Raub's release a victory for the First Amendment.
"People a have right to go on Facebook or the Internet (and) say things that people might not agree with, "Whitehead said. "But that doesn't mean they're crazy or should be incarcerated for it."
Raub initially was taken the John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell, where he was held over the weekend for a preliminary evaluation. After a hearing Monday, another judge ordered Raub detained for an additional month and transferred him to the Salem VA hospital.
Thursday's hearing was expected to be limited to Raub's objection to the transfer, so Whitehead said Sharrett's decision came as a surprise.
"The petition is so devoid of any factual allegations that it could not be reasonably expected to give rise to a case or controversy," the order says.
Associated Press Writer Michael Felberbaum contributed to this report.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Silver Breaks $29.00

Silver has broken the $29.00 level, but the word continues to voice concern over the fall of the Euro and the European Zone.

This fall and winter have been the seasons forecast as the time of Euro dissolution. There will be a restructuring with only the states having the strongest economies as members. The "losers" will be bank owned by then, having fulfilled the between-the-lines mandate the European Economic Union was founded upon. That being the case or not, the EU is about to crash.

Top Investor Warns of “Financial Armageddon” as Soros Dumps Bank Stocks, Buys Gold

Silver being at $29.00 may indicate that JP Morgan has stopped pillaging the precious metals market in support of a lost cause, or JPM may be raising the market value in preparation for one last raid. Either way, the expectation remains that investment will flood from the Euro and to the dollar, and then, as the dollar falters under raised taxes and government cuts under Paul-Ryan-type austerity or we go over the December 31st economic cliff, by law, the investment rush will be to precious metals in the portfolio of tangible assets.

Will Israel play as the US proxy and go to war with Iran? Pray it does not especially if you love and enjoy the comfort of your current world. If Israel fails humanity and does, then all bets of all kinds can be thrown to the nuclear wind for some time to come.

If you need to stock up on food and other essentials, then do so now before the poop hits the fan. Now is the time for you to prepare for any and all emergencies.

In Defense of Our Troops

If we support our troops who are fighting in defense of our freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan, then why are our freedoms being attacked by our government at home?

If you support the troops as I do, having served and having family members serving, then make a very loud noise for them, and get them home from occupation duty in foreign lands, protect them from the depleted uranium ammo they are issued and dying from the effects of, protect them from the pre-combat mind altering vaccinations they are receiving, from the psycho-tropic drugs they are being issued in combat zones- notice the increase in military suicides, and support them by ending their fast turn-around multiple deployments.

If you support the troops, then show your love by defending them.

Military Vet Detained For Psych Evaluation Over Anti-Government Facebook Posts
August 21, 2012 7:48 AM
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A former Marine involuntarily detained for psychiatric evaluation for posting strident anti-government messages on Facebook has received an outpouring of support from people who say authorities are trampling on his First Amendment rights.
Brandon J. Raub, 26, has been in custody since FBI and Secret Service agents and Chesterfield County police questioned him Thursday evening about what they considered ominous posts talking of a coming revolution. In one message earlier this month, Raub wrote: “Sharpen my axe; I’m here to sever heads.”
Police — acting under a state law that allows emergency, temporary psychiatric commitments upon the recommendation of a mental health professional — took Raub to the John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell. He was not charged with any crime.
The Rutherford Institute, a Charlottesville-based civil liberties group, sent one of its attorneys to the hospital to represent Raub at a hearing Monday. A judge ordered Raub detained for another month, Rutherford executive director John Whitehead said.
“For government officials to not only arrest Brandon Raub for doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment rights but to actually force him to undergo psychological evaluations and detain him against his will goes against every constitutional principle this country was founded upon,” Whitehead said. “This should be a wake-up call to Americans that the police state is here.”
Raub’s mother, Cathleen Thomas, said she was not surprised by her son’s plight.
“We’re seeing our government overstepping its bounds again and again on the Constitution,” she said in a telephone interview. “The bottom line is his freedom of speech has been violated. It was his patriotic right and duty to make those grievances known.”
Thomas said her son, who served tours as a combat engineer in Iraq and Afghanistan, is “concerned about all the wars we’ve experienced” and believes the U.S. government was complicit in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. One of his Facebook posts, she said, pictured the gaping hole in the Pentagon and asked “where’s the plane?”
“I want the country to know who he is — that he’s not crazy, he’s a staunch patriot,” Thomas said.
Whitehead said he found nothing alarming on in Raub’s social media commentaries.
“The posts I read that supposedly were of concern were libertarian-type posts I see all the time, so I don’t know what supposedly triggered this,” he said. “I see worse stuff.”
The big concern, Whitehead said, is that government officials are apparently monitoring citizens’ private Facebook pages and arresting people with whom they disagree.
Dee Rybiski, an FBI spokeswoman in Richmond, said there was no Facebook snooping by her agency.
“We received quite a few complaints about what were perceived as threatening posts,” she said. “Given the circumstances with the things that have gone on in the country with some of these mass shootings, it would be horrible for law enforcement not to pay attention to complaints.”
Whitehead said some of the posts in question were made on a closed Facebook page that Raub had just created and that had only three members, so he questioned whether anyone from the public would have complained about them.
“Support Brandon Raub” Facebook pages were drawing significant interest and — along with other Internet sites — had numerous comments from people outraged by the veteran’s detention.
Raub’s supporters are characterizing the detention as an arrest, complaining that he was handcuffed and whisked away in a police cruiser without being served a warrant or read his Miranda rights. But county and federal authorities say it was not an arrest because Raub doesn’t face criminal charges.
Col. Thierry Dupuis, the county police chief, said Raub was taken into custody upon the recommendation of mental health crisis intervention workers. He said the action was taken in accordance with the state’s emergency custody statute, which allows a magistrate to order the civil detention and psychiatric evaluation of a person deemed to be potentially dangerous. He said Raub was handcuffed because he resisted officers’ attempts to take him into custody.
Whitehead said Raub’s only act of resistance was refusing to allow authorities into his home without a warrant. A video of the incident shot by onlookers and posted on You Tube provides no insight because Raub was already in cuffs when the cameras started rolling.
(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

Monday, August 6, 2012

State Terrorism Strikes Again for Gun Control

As stated in a previous post: if the Aurora staged shooting did not stampede the public into demanding gun-control, then more staged shooting would occur.

The results of the Aurora shootings: Two huge gun-control bills floundered, and the public stampeded into the gun shops to increase the record number of Americans arming themselves for personal protection against criminals and government alike.

Five more gun-control bill are currently on the table.

The least publicized gun related events following the Aurora shooting were two cases of armed senor citizens facing off with armed robbers, AND WINNING!


Sikh Temple Shooter Was In Army Psychological Operations

State terrorists will stop at nothing to instill fear into the people for the sake of passing laws to control and make defenseless a law abiding population.

And by the way, Eric Holder's Fast and Furious gun running operation into Mexico was a state terrorist operation, as sworn Congressional testimony agrees.