Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Silver is not Crashing; It is only Manipulating

 May I repeat the obvious? Let’s retrace the silver market manipulator’s steps of the past four weeks. The day, last week, that the bankers re-floated the sinking European economy, silver jumped in its best rally in some months. And, if you remember, two weeks before that, the market manipulators began ordering their investment brokers to again push speculative paper gold and silver purchasing upon their trusting and easily duped investors. A week or so before that, I had mentioned to you in this blog that the market manipulators had painted themselves into a financial corner by chasing speculators away from the silver market with their manipulative antics.

Now let’s step forward in time to be able to understand today’s sharp drop in silver prices. A month ago the silver manipulator’s plunder-capital dried up; they then pushed their investment minions to create a gold and silver bull market to increase the inflow of capital; a week ago they, again, bailed out Europe’s sinking economic ship- while taking over Greece- and the commodity price of silver jumped. It jumped $4 over the $25-$33 parameter I has indicated to be their comfort zone. In maybe 24 hours of silver reaching the $37 an ounce level, the paper market manipulators jumped in to reap their plunder from the unwary, most recently suckered into the game, paper silver investor. Is the Bankster's MO becoming clear to you? It is all done by design. They are the biggest moonshiners on the planet, and they aren’t done yet; huge amounts of capital are still needed to keep Europe afloat.

The most important aspects of this bankster silver con-job are yet to be realized. The European economy is going to fail. Just before it does the silver and gold paper commodity markets are going to crash as the market manipulators siphon mass sums of digital capital into European banks and government treasuries. Buy physical silver anytime, but when the silver commodity markets crash that will be the time I dump any available paper into physical silver!  This window of opportunity will remain open for only a very short time.

When the Euro becomes toilet paper, for a very, very short time after, maybe only a week or two, the US$ will be in high demand. Like the rays of a rising sun breaking through the darkness at dawn on the eastern horizon, investors will suddenly become aware of how incredibly shaky the “safe-haven” dollar is. That is when the mad rush to all tangibles, silver included, will begin in earnest. That rush is not going to be for investment, but for survival.

ALL of my paper has gone into tangible assets; the kind of assets that will insure, to some degree, the survival of my family and myself.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

YOU and FAMILY are Collateral for the Government’s Debt

The following is almost unbelievable. I’ve heard Jordan Maxwell (Youtube) mention it many times, but I’ve always been in a state of denial to take the time to check him out on his birth certificate statements. It’s real, it’s sickening, and here’s what it is:

You and I are commercially traded as a human resource, and are held as collateral (security pledged for the payment of a loan) against the National Debt. The moment your Birth Certificate was signed it became Commercial Paper, the value of which has been based on your life’s production potential and value. You and I, Ladies and Gentlemen, are the Economy of Moonshined Human Resources.

Here are a few links to help you understand your economic realty- as seen through the eyes of global leaders and international banksters- and the contract you were never told of nor ever agreed to.

Birth Certificate : a complete reading of this article is very enlightening.

Trading in Birth Certificates (Double Entendre) : a procedure is offered here to help you locate the company that owns you. Also, go to the author's blogger homepage for current updates on the subject.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Economy of Moonshining Freedom (Video)

Moonshining alcohol isn’t about getting high or partying; it’s about stiffing the government out of revenue, and that, Ladies and Gentlemen, usually leads to a violent consequence in blood and/or treasure. But moonshining relates to much, much more than alcohol. Moonshining is an action verb describing an individual’s effort to extract from a government or formidable entity what he or she believes rightly belongs to the individual.

I am not encouraging anyone to break the law, except of course if the law is un-Constitutional, for then it is no law but only a perversion of law enforced at the barrel of a gun or the point of a sword. In such a circumstance I would advocate non-violent civil disobedience, and that only after the individual who is willing to be civilly disobedient has seriously weighed the thought, counted the cost, and claimed personal responsibility for his or her intended actions or inaction.

Moonshining may also be regarded as an act of civil disobedience when applied to a government or corporation. If a nation has become a fascist state- the corporate takeover of a nation’s willing government, then maybe civil disobedience will also evolve in this amalgamation of corporate economic and governmental power, becoming no more than the necessary set of actions or inaction required by the individual to insure his or her personal survival. Thus, a revolution is conceived.

In this video, Judge Napolitano, formerly of FOX Business News, moonshined the American mainstream media, specifically FOX NEWS. He extracted from them the Constitutional legitimacy of his position as a member of the press: he presented to the public the truth concerning the current state of the American political system. And he did so contrary to the agenda and purpose of America’s corporate mainstream media. Because he spoke the truth in defense of his and our freedoms, he was fired.

The Judge putting his job on the line by moonshining America’s mainstream media:

Friday, February 17, 2012

Report: Insider Documents Detail a March 23 Greek Default Plan; Gov to Freeze Bank Accounts

Report: Insider Documents Detail a March 23 Greek Default Plan; Gov to Freeze Bank Accounts

The European system will collapse, and the money at the top knows it. JP Morgan Chase, one of the insider corporations. In recent weeks, it has drawn new investors (new capital) into the silver market, and has managed to maintain the $33 an ounce level, as I said they would.

As soon as the European banks begin o crest the precipice, the commodity markets will be looted once again. Commodity market “paper” silver will drop like a lead weight; when that happens, DON’T SELL!  When the “paper” commodity markets fail, and they will, the value of physical silver and other tangibles will skyrocket in value.

As soon as JP and associates crash the price of silver in its effort to float European banks, possibly as soon as March, 2012, the time to BUY PHYSICAL SILVER will have arrived! As soon as the illusion of the stability of the global fiat banking system pops, the mad rush for gold and silver by the global investment community will occur.

BTW: DO NOT; do not keep your silver and gold in a bank safety deposit box. According to US history, when the government declares that every good citizen must turn in his or her silver to the banks, whatever you hold in your safety deposit box WILL BE CONFISCATED by the bank. That is a matter of historical fact.

Protect the assets that make you a free individual in an economic world. The banks, on the other hand, would rather have you be their financially indebted slaves.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Silver Will Skyrocket After a Very Bad Event

February 14, 2012: In a few recent posts I had stated that silver will stay at or below $33 an ounce until Europe needs a quick money fix. The need for one is fast approaching. The banksters will crash the market to $25, and send the money to their European holdings. “Paper” commodity market speculators will have once again been led down a dark path and sent walking over an investment cliff. Purchasers of physical silver will, and currently do, have an excellent buying opportunity in front of them. As the banksters begin to slap us with austerity measures, as the American people begin to rebel, and as the banksters bring us to war, physical silver, as well as other tangible assets, will experience a strong increase in value "on Main Street" as demand grows. Paper assets will not be worth the paper they are written on. .
But wait there's more: many sources confirm that there will soon be a "false-flag" terrorist attack IN AMERICA. Research what a False Flag operation is. Let's just say that our War on Terror, so-called, will have come to naught when the Powers That Be want to "persuade" the American people to get in line and stay in step on our march to global nuclear war.

When the economy is about to fail, “They” bring the nation to war.
War against Iran is being pitched harder than a phlegm laden spitball. War against Iran will be our October Surprise because we are going to need our attention taken away from a bigger surprise that is coming first. The Big Surprise coming to America has already come to Europe.

Will the American people wake up before the banks close for holiday, and the super markets run dry?

The US government is broke. We owe more to the banks than all of us combined could earn in a life time to begin to pay the interest on the debt.
The government has already placed IOU’s in government worker’s pension accounts.

The two articles (above) are dated before the August, 2011, failure of Congress to reach an agreement on our nation’s debt crisis. Their “agreement” only cloaked and forestalled the inevitable, but they did pave the way for future action; they placed pension funds and “entitlements” on the table. I put entitlements in quotes because Social Security is based upon contributions to the system by the wage earner.

But before the money owed to federal workers is confiscated from their accounts, they have to be demonized. I mean really, what else is a corporate mainstream media for? After all MSN did receive TARP money; why else would a dyed in the wool anti-American globalists, and his daughter, run the operation?

The banksters now own Greece because the Greek government did to its people what ours has done to us: they sold the nation to the banks, and now the banks are stepping in to reduce Greece to a foreclosed, bank-owned property. It is coming to America in a very, very short time, for exactly the same reason and in exactly the same way.

Other than the death of Whitney Houston, rest in peace, has the “whore media,” as some call the mainstream corporately-edited media, informed the Average Joe and Jane that Europe is in the process of sinking economically thanks to the banking system? Not this morning. Not on CNBC. Not on CNN. I picked up the following links from the net, Drudge in particular. (Another reason why “They” want the internet reduced to a severely controlled expression of the corporate/government mind and will.)
Greek Lawmakers approve austerity bill as Athens burns:

The Greek lawmakers are reducing the Greek people’s standard of living in order to pay the banks the debt the Greek government incurred, and the people of Greece are very, very angry. The Greek government is also selling off, at Fire Sale prices, Greek national assets. Yes, folks, it’s coming to America.

Greeks inflamed by bailout demands:

Moody’s downgrades European nations:

Now here’s a prelude to our big economic surprise (other than federal worker’s pension being IOU’ed):

The American taxpayer will pay for the Too Big to Fail bank bailout:

“How?,” you ask; taxes and austerity measures, just as in Greece.
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been running this create-the-crisis-and-reap-the-plunder operation in Third World countries for a long time. They are very good at it. And we are next.

Now you know why section 1021 was placed into the latest National Defense Authorization Act. Now you know why FEMA camps are being equipped and manned as you read this. Now you know why Congress just authorized the financing of 30,000 armed drones to roam the skies of our nation. And, now you know why we are going to war with Iran.

We, the People, do not need another war, but the banksters certainly do.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gerald Celente Speaks About "PAPER" Commodity Market Fraud

Wednesday, February 8, 2012: I'm use to the way people like Gerald Celente speaks; we are both New York City born and raised. People from other places, such as yourself, may find his tone harsh, his style of expression obnoxious, or a use of a cuss word unholy. As I said, I'm use to it; his weight isn't in how he speaks, but in what he has to say, and what he has to say is banked on by tens of thousands of trend followers and investors. Do your own research on who this man is.

This particular video will explain to you how "paper financial assets" -from cash under the mattress, to CD's, to 401k's, to commodity market trading, to stock market trading, to pension funds, etc., etc.- are at great risk, from the perspective of a man who, this past November, 2011, lost over $100,000 to the current global financial fraudsters. The fraud continues; be aware!

This next video of November 18, 2011, will give the viewer a very good indication of what's around the corner for the global financial system. Please keep this in mind, as of today, February 8, 2012, the Greek financial crisis, thus the European financial crisis, has yet to be resolved. What's worse, it's all coming home to America. Just last week the Treasury stated that it will soon use Federal worker pension funds  to help pay the national debt. And what is financing the debt, the same bankster system the US taxpayer bailed out in 2008.

Wait, there's more! The Federal Reserve (a cartel of private international banking institutions) is now buying US Treasury bonds. The Federal Reserve international banking cartel is buying the bonds- the loans- that are keeping the US economy afloat. Think about it. Now offer a guess as to where your tax dollars are going this tax season and many more to come.

Monday, February 6, 2012

How and Why the Sub-Prime Mortgage Model Failed, by Design

Monday, February 6, 2012: An interview with William K. Black:


Last week's commodity market manipulators sucked speculators back into the market, and silver prices jumped over $34 an ounce, but $34 was too high and gave the indication of public concern over the economy, As I had surmised, silver has dropped to the $33 an ounce level.

You may have noticed that the "paper" markets are also on a short term uptrend, built on the mass media propagated illusion that ours and the global economy are "improving." Neither is improving. Greece and a few other EU nations are being taken over by the banks. In a very short period of time those banks will require an infusion of capital in order to keep the illusion of European financial stability afloat.

In a few weeks, if not sooner, when that capital is demanded by the banksters to be infused into Europe. the commodity markets, the Dow, the NASDAQ, and other paper markets will take the usual well designed, and premeditated hit. 

Possess your personal wealth in tangible assets. This is what I did: I dumped ALL of my paper assets, and turned paper into silver and other tangibles. As the dollar declines, the tangibles increase in value; further more, I control my own wealth! The banks I deal with have become no more than a service, a conduit of my money, and not the controllers of it.

THAT is financial freedom!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

$1.2 Billion of Jon Corzine’s Theft from FM Global “Vaporized”…. Into the Pockets of J.P. Morgan Chase

February 2, 2012:  Did you know that if the average American fails to pay a fine for a noisy muffler he or she would have a warrant issued for his or her arrest? Did you know that if a VIP, who serves the banksters by stealing from the average American on their behalf, may steal $1.2 Billion from his clients and get to walk with only a pat on the back? What’s worse, he gets to have a discredited financial rag-sheet, The Wall Street Journal, help make his shame go away by raising the journalistic propaganda-balloon that the stolen funds apparently just “vaporized.”

Walk into any bank and attempt to “vaporize” any amount of cash from a teller, and I guarantee that you will not see the light of day for 10 years. What is it called when the law applies to average man or woman but certainly not to the VIP?


Buy your tangible assets before the news from the following links reaches the ears of the general public. When it does…well…do you need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind blows?

War, Bank Runs, Riots & Gold Going Mainstream, Parts 1-4
Gerald Celente (War, Bank Runs, Riots, & Gold Going Mainstream Pt 1/4) (War, Bank Runs, Riots, & Gold Going Mainstream Pt 2/4) (War, Bank Runs, Riots, & Gold Going Mainstream Pt 3/4) (War, Bank Runs, Riots, & Gold Going Mainstream Pt 4/4)