Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Silver is not Crashing; It is only Manipulating

 May I repeat the obvious? Let’s retrace the silver market manipulator’s steps of the past four weeks. The day, last week, that the bankers re-floated the sinking European economy, silver jumped in its best rally in some months. And, if you remember, two weeks before that, the market manipulators began ordering their investment brokers to again push speculative paper gold and silver purchasing upon their trusting and easily duped investors. A week or so before that, I had mentioned to you in this blog that the market manipulators had painted themselves into a financial corner by chasing speculators away from the silver market with their manipulative antics.

Now let’s step forward in time to be able to understand today’s sharp drop in silver prices. A month ago the silver manipulator’s plunder-capital dried up; they then pushed their investment minions to create a gold and silver bull market to increase the inflow of capital; a week ago they, again, bailed out Europe’s sinking economic ship- while taking over Greece- and the commodity price of silver jumped. It jumped $4 over the $25-$33 parameter I has indicated to be their comfort zone. In maybe 24 hours of silver reaching the $37 an ounce level, the paper market manipulators jumped in to reap their plunder from the unwary, most recently suckered into the game, paper silver investor. Is the Bankster's MO becoming clear to you? It is all done by design. They are the biggest moonshiners on the planet, and they aren’t done yet; huge amounts of capital are still needed to keep Europe afloat.

The most important aspects of this bankster silver con-job are yet to be realized. The European economy is going to fail. Just before it does the silver and gold paper commodity markets are going to crash as the market manipulators siphon mass sums of digital capital into European banks and government treasuries. Buy physical silver anytime, but when the silver commodity markets crash that will be the time I dump any available paper into physical silver!  This window of opportunity will remain open for only a very short time.

When the Euro becomes toilet paper, for a very, very short time after, maybe only a week or two, the US$ will be in high demand. Like the rays of a rising sun breaking through the darkness at dawn on the eastern horizon, investors will suddenly become aware of how incredibly shaky the “safe-haven” dollar is. That is when the mad rush to all tangibles, silver included, will begin in earnest. That rush is not going to be for investment, but for survival.

ALL of my paper has gone into tangible assets; the kind of assets that will insure, to some degree, the survival of my family and myself.

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