Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Silver Will Skyrocket After a Very Bad Event

February 14, 2012: In a few recent posts I had stated that silver will stay at or below $33 an ounce until Europe needs a quick money fix. The need for one is fast approaching. The banksters will crash the market to $25, and send the money to their European holdings. “Paper” commodity market speculators will have once again been led down a dark path and sent walking over an investment cliff. Purchasers of physical silver will, and currently do, have an excellent buying opportunity in front of them. As the banksters begin to slap us with austerity measures, as the American people begin to rebel, and as the banksters bring us to war, physical silver, as well as other tangible assets, will experience a strong increase in value "on Main Street" as demand grows. Paper assets will not be worth the paper they are written on. .
But wait there's more: many sources confirm that there will soon be a "false-flag" terrorist attack IN AMERICA. Research what a False Flag operation is. Let's just say that our War on Terror, so-called, will have come to naught when the Powers That Be want to "persuade" the American people to get in line and stay in step on our march to global nuclear war.

When the economy is about to fail, “They” bring the nation to war.
War against Iran is being pitched harder than a phlegm laden spitball. War against Iran will be our October Surprise because we are going to need our attention taken away from a bigger surprise that is coming first. The Big Surprise coming to America has already come to Europe.

Will the American people wake up before the banks close for holiday, and the super markets run dry?

The US government is broke. We owe more to the banks than all of us combined could earn in a life time to begin to pay the interest on the debt.
The government has already placed IOU’s in government worker’s pension accounts.

The two articles (above) are dated before the August, 2011, failure of Congress to reach an agreement on our nation’s debt crisis. Their “agreement” only cloaked and forestalled the inevitable, but they did pave the way for future action; they placed pension funds and “entitlements” on the table. I put entitlements in quotes because Social Security is based upon contributions to the system by the wage earner.

But before the money owed to federal workers is confiscated from their accounts, they have to be demonized. I mean really, what else is a corporate mainstream media for? After all MSN did receive TARP money; why else would a dyed in the wool anti-American globalists, and his daughter, run the operation?

The banksters now own Greece because the Greek government did to its people what ours has done to us: they sold the nation to the banks, and now the banks are stepping in to reduce Greece to a foreclosed, bank-owned property. It is coming to America in a very, very short time, for exactly the same reason and in exactly the same way.

Other than the death of Whitney Houston, rest in peace, has the “whore media,” as some call the mainstream corporately-edited media, informed the Average Joe and Jane that Europe is in the process of sinking economically thanks to the banking system? Not this morning. Not on CNBC. Not on CNN. I picked up the following links from the net, Drudge in particular. (Another reason why “They” want the internet reduced to a severely controlled expression of the corporate/government mind and will.)
Greek Lawmakers approve austerity bill as Athens burns:

The Greek lawmakers are reducing the Greek people’s standard of living in order to pay the banks the debt the Greek government incurred, and the people of Greece are very, very angry. The Greek government is also selling off, at Fire Sale prices, Greek national assets. Yes, folks, it’s coming to America.

Greeks inflamed by bailout demands:

Moody’s downgrades European nations:

Now here’s a prelude to our big economic surprise (other than federal worker’s pension being IOU’ed):

The American taxpayer will pay for the Too Big to Fail bank bailout:

“How?,” you ask; taxes and austerity measures, just as in Greece.
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been running this create-the-crisis-and-reap-the-plunder operation in Third World countries for a long time. They are very good at it. And we are next.

Now you know why section 1021 was placed into the latest National Defense Authorization Act. Now you know why FEMA camps are being equipped and manned as you read this. Now you know why Congress just authorized the financing of 30,000 armed drones to roam the skies of our nation. And, now you know why we are going to war with Iran.

We, the People, do not need another war, but the banksters certainly do.

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