Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Economy of Moonshining Freedom (Video)

Moonshining alcohol isn’t about getting high or partying; it’s about stiffing the government out of revenue, and that, Ladies and Gentlemen, usually leads to a violent consequence in blood and/or treasure. But moonshining relates to much, much more than alcohol. Moonshining is an action verb describing an individual’s effort to extract from a government or formidable entity what he or she believes rightly belongs to the individual.

I am not encouraging anyone to break the law, except of course if the law is un-Constitutional, for then it is no law but only a perversion of law enforced at the barrel of a gun or the point of a sword. In such a circumstance I would advocate non-violent civil disobedience, and that only after the individual who is willing to be civilly disobedient has seriously weighed the thought, counted the cost, and claimed personal responsibility for his or her intended actions or inaction.

Moonshining may also be regarded as an act of civil disobedience when applied to a government or corporation. If a nation has become a fascist state- the corporate takeover of a nation’s willing government, then maybe civil disobedience will also evolve in this amalgamation of corporate economic and governmental power, becoming no more than the necessary set of actions or inaction required by the individual to insure his or her personal survival. Thus, a revolution is conceived.

In this video, Judge Napolitano, formerly of FOX Business News, moonshined the American mainstream media, specifically FOX NEWS. He extracted from them the Constitutional legitimacy of his position as a member of the press: he presented to the public the truth concerning the current state of the American political system. And he did so contrary to the agenda and purpose of America’s corporate mainstream media. Because he spoke the truth in defense of his and our freedoms, he was fired.

The Judge putting his job on the line by moonshining America’s mainstream media:

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