Tuesday, February 28, 2012

YOU and FAMILY are Collateral for the Government’s Debt

The following is almost unbelievable. I’ve heard Jordan Maxwell (Youtube) mention it many times, but I’ve always been in a state of denial to take the time to check him out on his birth certificate statements. It’s real, it’s sickening, and here’s what it is:

You and I are commercially traded as a human resource, and are held as collateral (security pledged for the payment of a loan) against the National Debt. The moment your Birth Certificate was signed it became Commercial Paper, the value of which has been based on your life’s production potential and value. You and I, Ladies and Gentlemen, are the Economy of Moonshined Human Resources.

Here are a few links to help you understand your economic realty- as seen through the eyes of global leaders and international banksters- and the contract you were never told of nor ever agreed to.

Birth Certificate
http://dherbs.com/articles/birth-certificate-274.htm : a complete reading of this article is very enlightening.

Trading in Birth Certificates (Double Entendre)
http://thesourcewithin.blogspot.com/2009/03/trading-in-birth-certificates-double.html : a procedure is offered here to help you locate the company that owns you. Also, go to the author's blogger homepage for current updates on the subject.

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