Friday, July 27, 2012

Eminent Domain: Government/Banker Collusion

As the 5th Column Manchurian president, Barry Soetoro, dissolves the 2nd Amendment into a United Nations Gun Treaty, the bankers continue to steal homes from good, law abiding people. Puppet Barry and Company know that when austerity becomes the final bank bailout, the people are going to get really angry and are going to begin looking for banker blood to spill.

Bankers are stealing homes-owners' properties:
Clouded Titles: The Foreclosure Crisis Exposed with Author Dave Krieger

And worse, local governments are beta testing the “legal” rip-off of mortgaged homes. Government working in collusion with corporations at the expense of the people is defined as fascism, and authoritarian fascism characterizes the soul of the present global government/banking system. A one world currency will follow the fall of the Euro and the US dollar.

Calif. Cities Eye Plan to Seize Mortgages

The stated reason for this government land-grab under eminent domain is to help home owners whose mortgages are under water. The local government, having taken possession of a mortgaged home, will reach a refinancing agreement with the bank so that the home owner, now in total serf status, can make lower monthly payments to the local government. 

What if at some point down the road of national economic dissolution the municipality has no room in its public housing to house the suddenly homeless? If the state owns your mortgage, then your house is public housing.

California cities are beginning to drop one by one through insolvency. Never, ever trust government. Historically speaking, it is in government’s nature and best interest to exploit the people’s energy and wealth in order to maintain and strengthen its own existence. And the bankers, having exploited the American dream of home ownership through the sub-prime mortgage fraud, should be incarcerated by the government instead of becoming business partners with it.

If you have the sense that reality has changed, and that we are functioning in a new paradigm of unmitigated corruption in the most trusted and respected realms of society, then you are correct.  If you have yet to realize what dire financial straits we the people are in, then you have yet to face government/banker fraud and austerity face to face. And, by the way, the big banks, thanks to their tax-payer financed bailouts, now control 51% of the capital flowing through the US economy. Where is it flowing to? Certainly not the economy of the never ending Great Recession!

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