Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Another Civil War Against Slavery?

The silver and gold paper markets continue to indicate the health of the global economy, albeit in a historically contradictory manner. The only investors remaining in the “Paper” precious metals market are those manipulated few who are still betting, hoping and praying to their demons for the salvation of the global economic system. And so, when some hopeful sprig of “good news” scents the airwaves with a notion that the European Union will survive its deepening socioeconomic crisis, the paper precious metals markets rise in value.

In the meantime, those who are cognizant of the writing on the wall, and are able to discern it, continue to purchase physical assets of every kind, especially those assets that will avail themselves in some practical way to one's survival.

If you are not familiar with the dynamics of personal survival, as most Americans are not, then you will find it very beneficial to read the diaries, biographies, and histories of the civilian who survived the horrors of World War Two, and I am not referring only to the Jews. There were civilians in Europe who survived under Nazi occupation, and some actually thrived, but the greater majority experienced life changing events that included the deaths of loved ones and the loss of home, possessions and personal wealth. Millions became refugees, and to pray “give us this day our daily bread” meant just that and that alone.

This experience is a rising reality in America, and although “survival” and “preparedness” and “self-sufficiency” have become tin-foil-hat words- compliments of the blue-screen propagandists who are determined to keep the herd smiling as it transcends the edge of the cliff- the degenerate global elite have built their retreats, stocked their shelves, and armed themselves for protection against you.

In a very few months there will be global events that will awaken the herd up in a moments time, and the result will be a flood of anger and rage from those who will demand to know why they were not told of the horrors in advance so that they could have prepared themselves while there was still time.

But before these events occur we will be disarmed; because armed slaves are difficult to control. We will be brought to economic ruin; because it is easy to control hungry people. We will be relocated to established concentration camps; because homeless people will need a roof over their head. These are only a few of the things being prepared for those who survive the coming events.

Prepare yourselves, and give up nothing that will be demanded from you by the United Nations global government and its enforcers of economic slavery. They are not your friends, they are not here to serve you, and they do not come in peace.Remember, slavery was once "the law" in America, and we fought a war to abolish it. We may have to fight another one to keep it from returning.

Hold onto your guns! Protect your home, hearth, food, wealth and health. Gain spiritual strength in advance of the days of trouble. Be better to others than you would expect them to be to you. Turn away from evil, but toward helping the weak. Remain vigilant and keenly aware of the world around you. Good people must survive what is coming if a better world is to be created from the ashes of the present corruption.

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