Friday, January 20, 2012

The Commodity Market Lacks Speculators

Friday, January 20, 2012:  By raising margins and accepting as status quo MF Global/ Jon Corzine's theft of client's personal accounts, the gold and silver commodity markets are short speculators and their capital. With the speculators staying away from a manipulated market they do not trust, and rightly so, then where, oh where will J.P. Morgan Chase and its bankster cohorts find the funds required to float Greek bonds or to purchase Greek national assets?

They may begin to raid citizen's pension accounts, as our US government has begun to do with its employees, or they may attempt to raise US taxes to raise bankster funding, or they may crash Social Security and Medicare, and funnel those funds into bankster accounts. They will do each of the above, but not yet. What they will first do is to use their propaganda arm, the American main-stream-media, to influence the herd to reinvest in metals.

This began yesterday on CNBC when a few of their talking heads began to re-introduce gold and silver as commodities worth looking into. Gold and silver are very much worth investing in by taking physical possession of, but certainly not worth considering to invest one's wealth into a rigged and manipulated gold and silver "paper" market. Is it a wonder, if critically considered, that today, suddenly, internet search engines are showing gold in the top ten search keywords? It is not a wonder at all; it is intrinsically predictable. Give the herd a little nudge in one direction, and they will be easily led in that direction. What is at the end of that trail?

Once precious metals speculators have again taken the manipulator's bait, and have again driven up the short term commodity prices of gold and silver, the manipulators will again move in and crash the markets for their particular gain, regardless of the investor's loss. With silver currently trading at $30-$31, the market manipulators cannot withdraw their much needed funds without giving the perception of a market collapse. With silver at its current price, they have to bring it to $25 an ounce in order to keep Europe afloat.

Personal wealth is personal economic freedom. Keep yourself financially afloat by purchasing and taking physical possession of tangible assets, including gold and silver. By helping to keep investors out of paper assets and into physical possession of tangible assets, you will be helping your community and your neighbors as well as yourself.

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