Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Silver in Range Until Euro Collapse

Wednesday, January 18, 2012: Commodity market silver prices will remain $25-$33 an ounce until the scheduled collapse of the Euro occurs. Minus market manipulation, silver should be trading within range of $100 an ounce; that price would better reflect the public's true perception of the state of the global economy. Gold should currently be within the range of $2,200 an ounce, minus market manipulation.

Keep an eye out for the date of the next bond auction by a European Union member nation. Silver, gold and oil commodity market prices will rise until the J.P. Morgan Chase banksters of the world require the funds to purchase those bonds. The illusion of a stable and growing world economy must remain our "reality" until the time for The Collapse arrives. The scheduled time for the collapse of the Euro, and the ensuing 40% devaluation of the US Dollar, is within the proximity of October through early November, 2012, although it may happen anytime from today until then.*

The demand for physical silver, and other tangible assets, continues to rise in real terms. That is our current reality.

*Preparations for civil unrest in America have been under way for some time, but have only recently become "law." In America, it is now "lawful" for the military to "disappear", torture and kill any American citizens it pleases to do so, and without the legal right of trial. Within recent weeks, the camps described in the link are currently being fully equipped and manned for use. State National Guards are being oriented and trained to assist FEMA operations. In addition to the economic and social chaos, when the economy fails the banksters bring us to war.

FEMA Camp expose`:                              (Banned from US television!  Record)  (for your private library before)  (it is banned from Youtube as well)

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