Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Creation of a Fake Money System

Thursday, January 12, 2012: Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 1 - Revisiting American History - Financial Empire; Lessons 1-6 Information you will never receive from a public school or from the main stream media…
These concise and valuable economic lessons will bring you to a clear understanding of how and why our current national/global economy is what it is, and where it is going.
Critical thinking requires correct information, and Lesson One is a nice place to begin…

Lesson 1 - Revisiting American History, documents the conversion of the US into a monolithic financial empire as the Federal Reserve Act created a monopolized cartel of private interests, "Wall Street," that controls all money in the system. This killed Jeffersonian ideals and allowed vertical Hamiltonian forces to have free reign to consolidate power and wealth. It explains how this is an empire system where the top Wall Street banks are analogous to feudal lords and multi-national corporations are their feudal knights out conquering territories. It rewrites American History books…,” and so it goes.

By the way…Have you ever wondered how and what the owners of the main stream media outlets and corporations actually think of you, the consumer audience whom they tell what to believe and why?
This is a holiday card distributed by the Fox News Corporation this past December.
Can you find yourself? In their eyes, you are one of those puffy little white creatures pulling the sleds.

The most revealing aspect of this cartoon’s nature is that all of the media responses referred to Competitors vs Fox, and having no reference to their audiences being depicted as sheep.
Apparently there are a few things in life that are safely assumed and taken for granted.

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