Monday, May 7, 2012

Derivative Chaos Approaches!

When the bankster’s derivatives bubble bursts, by design, and European-style fiscal austerity embeds its claws into America’s economic flesh, and you become outraged at the bankster confiscation, by force, of your personal wealth, will you become angry? Anger against those who willfully make you destitute would be a very natural response, as most recently demonstrated by the Greeks.

But your justified anger has been anticipated and prepared for by our bankster owned government, and YOU, as justifiably angry as you should be after being financially violated, will be called a DOMESTIC TERRORIST.

Dare you take to the streets in protest of being financially raped by the banksters! There is a reeducation facility in a FEMA camp waiting for you and your kind- an American with a justified financial gripe against a banking system that is, by design, crashing our economy.

The following video is worth copying from Youtube. THIS particular episode of Jesse Ventura’s program was officially banned from rebroadcast. That is factual and documented. The Dept of Homeland (In-)Security demanded that Time Warner ban it- OR ELSE! It was aired once and never again.
Watch it and understand why.

But wait! There’s more!
A military field manual giving instructions on how to round up irate Americans into FEMA camps has been leaked. DOWNLOAD it as soon as you are able to.
Click here to read the full document entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations.
“Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America”
“Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens”
“Re-Education Camp Manual Includes Rules On Isolating Political Prisoners”

Now please do think back to December 31, 2011, when President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act , NDAA, that gave the military the “legal right” (such as owning slaves was once a legal right in America) to kidnap US citizens off of the street exclusive of ones civil rights and the due process of American law, without trial, and to be “legally” tortured, held without recourse of any kind whatsoever, or executed as per military tribunal.
As quoted from the above, “The bottom line is the government can imprison anyone suspected of or even associated with terrorism. This power is open to wide interpretation and could certainly be abused.”
Ah, but you are not a terrorist. Really? But by whose definition, and under what circumstances is your reality become null and void?

Last but certainly not least, the latest pro-bankster mandate for the confiscation of YOUR PERSONAL WEALTH was made law by means of executive order: Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness.
Comment on:
The order itself:

Both the NDAA and this executive order declare and maintain that our government is at war on the soil of America, at present and in perpetuity, against anyone it deems, for whatever reason, a terrorist, an enemy combatant, or someone who just plain doesn't agree with government. We are not in America anymore.

And you thought water-boarding was A-okay for only al Qaeda, the Taliban and Muslims.Wow, have you got a surprise coming your way.

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