Sunday, May 20, 2012

Doing in Chicago What State Terrorists Do Best...

They attack those legally participating in protest against their government.
As is done in every third world terrorist state, Chicago being one of them, you use the police to trump up charges against the most active protesters, and then you use your state-whored propaganda media machine to give those dense-of-understanding the “official story.”

The sheep consume their homogenized and sanitized bluelight fertilize-of-the-mind, and restfully go to sleep thinking that their protectors have saved them from the local terrorists, when in fact their protectors have attacked the very blanket of liberties that the sheep snuggle under.

For the critical thinker and the better informed, historians in particular, it is common knowledge of the stages and methods by which a rouge government clamps down upon and suspends the rights of its citizens. Police trumped up charges against the innocent are common place in a politically agenda driven police mob, especially a law enforcement thugs taking orders from a dual nationality mayor in bed with a illegal president of foreign birth. Of course there is no regard for American law and freedom in the NATO held streets of Chicago, USA, Inc.
Guns Drawn on Journalists, Car Raided at NATO 

Next is the propaganda from Chronicled Bull Shit (CBS) Chicago, and was cleansed of true reporting in the wee hours of the night:
3 NATO Summit Protesters Planned Attacks On Police, Mayor’s Home, Obama HQ
Their update is far removed from the story posted Saturday. The closest un-sanitized version I could locate is from New Zealand:
Activists accused of planning attacks around Nato summit

Bottom line:
If you want to remain free in America, by slave standards, then keep your mouth shut, and stay in lockstep with the man with the gun over there. And dare you stray from the herd by expressing an opinion a few steps removed from the common consensus. Then your protectors will show up, and I’m sure they’ll find an empty bottle somewhere in your home, and some flammable liquid of some sort, cooking oil will do, and maybe a stray bandana or wash cloth, and then, by the shake of the magic police baton, you'll have in your possession, as pertaining to the police report, the terrorist makings of a Molotov cocktail.

The media whores will plant your mug shot on the front page of something resembling Chicago’s Chronicled Bull Shit, and the world will see in your face what the faces of those three men arrested on trumped up charges in Chicago are expressing: What a crock of shit. 

That blanket of being a free American you snuggle under is an illusion. Best you keep quiet and bow on demand, or you will certainly prove my point.

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