Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Derivatives 'a POPPING!

The biggest financial bubble of all time is about to burst. This full term Mother of All Financial Bubbles is going to birth a wave of mass suicides greater than a depopulation eugenicist such as Bill Gates could ever imagine beholding in his wildest Cult of Death fantasies.
It is called the Derivatives Bubble, an economic cataclysm in waiting, derived from the minds of gangsters in suits. (No, not our elected gangsters in suits; the bankster gangsters already own the deeds to those souls.)
You will not hear from the bankster media whores at CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, SKYNEWS, FOXNEWS, etc, et al,. too much, if anything, about this soon to rupture financial boil.  It is the mainstream media’s job to mind-feed the sheep with feel good propaganda, rub their bellies, scratch behind their ears, and, most certainly, keep their eyes away from the bloody axe hanging on the wall.

You, the average person of a dying middle class, or should I say, the economically above average place holder in a dying American/global middle class, have yet to be sucked dry of all of your wealth before the Derivatives Bubble pops. You have yet to max out all of your credit in order to remain in a consumer lifestyle above your means. You have yet to have your income fall out from under you. You have been almost fully trained and indoctrinated into wholeheartedly sniveling at the lesser economic slaves among you.
You are, after all, a financial house slave of good credit standing, one who rubs elbows with your bankster master. You relish his accepting smile and pat on your credit worthy head, providing you with that warm glow of financial security and comfort, as false as it is.

The average person currently dying the American middle/upper-class death has forgotten (by design) the economic deaths of those invested in Enron, or in the Savings and Loan bankster/politico mob-job, or in the Bernie Madoff glad-handing con job, or the JP Morgan/MF Global/Jon Corzine “vaporization” of $1.2 BILLION in client’s personal secured funds, or the Student Loan rip off. There is no sniveling at the rich victims by the rich; they, and the ignorant survivors of the middle class, are socially inclined to snivel at the victims of the Sub-prime Mortgage bankster-approved liar loans. I find it incredibly sad for our society to judge the degree of  the bankster’s financial rape of our nation by the rank of their victim’s financial enslavement.

The mainstream media will not tell you that what took years to happen to Greece, by design- a Goldman/Sachs, international Federal Reserve bankster cartel takeover of Greek national sovereignty and its economy- will happen to US over night.  If you were being told by the mainstream media that all of the “anti-terrorist” legislation speedily passed by our bankster-owned Congress these past four months was in fact preparation for the control of our nation’s suddenly destitute, then you may have rung the alarm bell for your family and friends before their blindfold was forcefully lifted from their eyes, and were able to fully understand their economic bondage for the first time.

Gerald Celente (News the mainstream media HATES to tell the too-dumb-to-think)
The Sub-prime Liar’s Loans, One William K. Black (begin video at 7:30…)
The Sub-prime Liar’s Loans, Two William K. Black (begin video at 6:30…)
Alan Collinge (begin video at 4:30)
Gerald Celente (begin video at 0:50…)
Aaron Russo (How the banksters stole and enslaved America)

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