Friday, May 11, 2012

JP Morgan Blunder? Not One Bit a Blunder

JP Morgan's $2 Billion Blunder
It was not a blunder, and it was not a surprise. Europe is crashing, and needed a quick fix.
JPMorganChase did not lose $2 BILLION in bad derivative market trades. JP used the unregulated derivatives market as it was intended to be used. They plundered an available slush fund, consisting of their clients’ wealth, in order to keep the global economic BANKTANIC afloat. It’s what they do; it’s all they do.

I wrote in older posts that the paper silver commodity market price of silver will range from $25-$33 an ounce, regardless of the growing demand for physical silver;
that this contra-intuitive state of paper silver affairs was the direct result of market manipulation by London, Inc.’s JPMorganChase;
that JPMorganChase was a prime initiator and agent of the derivatives market in Europe; a market the health of which is necessary for the continuance of the European Union economic Ponzi scheme; a scheme without which their financial rape and pillage of the sovereign nations of Europe would fail;
that the silver paper commodity market is no more than a JP Morgan slush fund which is to be raided when funds are needed elsewhere…as in European bank accounts;
that speculators in the paper precious metals commodity markets had been driven from the markets by JP Morgan in order to preclude high speculative values. The value of gold and silver are indicators of the public's sense of the health of the economy. If left alone, they would intuitively indicate that the global house of banking derivatives is falling; The illusion of global economic health needed to be maintained;
that the brief flurry of speculative activity, a few months ago, in the precious metals paper market was the result of J.P. Morgan's attempt to recapitalize their silver cow. Luring trusting dupes back into their den of thieves worked for them to a lesser degree and for a shorter time; investors have finally woken up. The curtain has been pulled back. People begin to watch CNBC air pro-metal sound bytes while the "commodity experts" push the metals on their clients for a day or two only to see their investment disappear a week later on “bad European economic news.” (Is there going to be any other flavor of European economic news coming our way in the following days and months? No. Get use to what is happening in Europe; worse economic news is coming to America. In fact, it is already here, but we are not getting the full scoop of that important-for-your-survival kind of information from the whorish likes of MSNBC, FOX, CNN, CNBC, ABC, CBS, et al.)

That's what I've already stated in previous posts; here’s something new:
JP Morgan will continue to devalue the precious metals paper commodity markets until they know that the global Banktanic has taken its last gulp of plunder from the global economy, and is finally on its way to the briny deep of global economic chaos.
They, by design, Ladies and Gentlemen, will be in their fully prepared and well stocked financial and real lifeboats, and those lifeboats were not, by design, prepared or stocked for your or my survival.

BOTTOM LINE: This is the time to buy physical silver. It is the time they buy; after they have crashed the markets. It is historical fact; read up on the other bankster bastards, the Rothchilds, as one example of economic piracy.
If you want to survive the storm that is coming to your town, as I do, then you need to think like the robber-baron-bastards they are. You need to understand how your financial enemy thinks, and then watch his actions. Hide your wealth, and prepare to defend it with arms, because they are planning to come for it.

Oh; while we were sleeping:

Fed clears China's US bank takeover

And remember, the Federal Reserve Bank is an international banking cartel. The Fed does not love America; neither are they serving you and your family or mine. They are loaning out the nation from under us, and we, the People, are paying them back with our treasure.That is the process taking place in Europe- it's called a fire sale, and it is coming home to US.

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