Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Facebook Bails out the Silver Market

In order to bail out Europe, JPMorgan Chase could have further crashed the silver market, but instead it, and a few other underwriters, lured investors into Facebook’s IPO, and then, in the midst of all the hoopla, pulled the cork from the tub and watched all of the investment capital drain into their septic pockets.
Insight: Morgan Stanley cut Facebook estimates just before IPO

What will it take before people catch onto to how incredibly rigged the financial system is, and that the bastards in control “don’t care about you; they don’t care about you,” to quote George Carlin’s grasp of reality.

Imagine if JPMorgan had control of the US Foodstamp program, and how they could control and manipulate 40,000,000+ needy Americans by threatening to cut off their food supply. Well guess what? Since the bankster bailout of 2008- actually the plutocracy’s coupe d`etat of 2008- JPMorgan and a few other underwriters do have control of the US Foodstamp program.
FOOD STAMPS PROFITS: how JP Morgan gets rich with increased poverty

They and the international banking cartel, known to us as the Federal Reserve Bank, own us, and knowing what you do not know- that they own us- they are selling the nation to the highest bidders.
Exclusive: U.S. lets China bypass Wall Street for Treasury orders
And we are going to pay their bill through austerity, higher taxes, the confiscation of our wealth, and a major reduction in the middle class’ standard of living.
We are in the process of going down the road freshly trodden by Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, etc.

Only the people of Iceland had the guts to tell the international banksters to go to bankster hell in a hand basket! But you do not hear about Iceland’s economic recovery from the whores of MSM, do you?*

And remember: NATO is the enforcement arm of the international bankster’s financial system. Dare you speak up, and speak out? You and I have the choice of taking the heat on the frontline of freedom, or in the torture rooms of our nation’s prepared, stocked, and manned FEMA reeducation camps (my earlier posts). Yes really, it is that bad; we just haven’t heard the bankster cork being pulled on us on a national level.

In the coming weeks and months you’ll hear plenty about race and war and which wing of the vulture, its left of right, is slapping itself in the face and pandemics and terrorist threats, but the MSM will not call your attention to the bankster ripoff taking place right before your eyes.

*Concerning government controlled propaganda via the mainstream media:
Congressmen Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban
The corporate/government (fascist, by definition) modus operandi is to finally legalize what they have been doing all along.

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